Trade Agreements; CRAPitalism at its best!

October 21, 2011 by ppjg
Marti Oakley (c) copyright 2011 All Rights reserved

In my humble opinion:

The ramming through Congress of three more economy busting trade agreements on Wednesday October 12th, 2011 should have the citizens of every state demanding their respective Senators and Representatives who voted to push these corporate agreements through, return home to face ejection from office and possible prosecution. These agreements will cost the US hundreds of thousands more much needed jobs and further reduce our wage base and standard of living. I have concluded that Congress knew exactly what they were doing, what the long term repercussions would be, then voted against our best interests. At the very least this is malfeasance of office.

Let’s Defund Congress

We can’t afford these people any longer. They obviously do not work for us; why should we have to pay them?

In light of this, I propose we defund Congress and refuse to pay their salaries, pay for their golden fleece health insurance, their golden parachute retirement plans and all the other perks they have voted for, for themselves. If they are going to work for corporate interests, let the corporations pay them. Apparently they already are. Additionally, we should rescind any power given them to write or agree to any legislation.

What I perceive in both houses of congress is a collection of people who have convinced themselves that by throwing their support behind these egregious assaults on the country as a whole on behalf of their coveted “stakeholdersâ€