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    Senior Member Hylander_1314's Avatar
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    An odd question perhaps, to those of you who have never thought about it. Even stranger to those who reside in the United States, for everyone "knows" that The War Between The States (the not so "Civil War") was fought in the 1860's to end slavery once and for all.

    This FREE website, which never asks for money, nor has anything to sell and contains no miserable pop-ups, exists to challenge your thinking, and if you haven't ever thought about this issue before - to do so.

    Keep in mind, there is more than one way to enslave a people; a nation, perhaps even global conquest - The world.

    Military conquest, wherein even the least educated among us can clearly see their status - Slaves., is one way. But military conquest has serious defects: The slaves clearly see and feel it; massive numbers of troops/police must be employed to enforce the master's edicts/will, and the desire for freedom continually sows the seeds of revolution/rebellion.

    Wasn't it JFK who said: "If we don't allow peaceful revolution we will have violent revolution"?

    Consider a second way to enslave a people - a much more preferred way - Economic bondage, wherein not one in a million will see it or understand what has happened. An enslavement wherein the people THINK they are free and happily surrender all they produce to the masters.

    Consider further that just because you don't see the earth as a global plantation, doesn't mean there aren't very powerful people who do.

    The number ONE distinction between freedom and slavery is free people get paid for their labor, their property - slaves don't!

    It really doesn't matter if you are jet-propelled, air-conditioned or steak fed...nor does it matter where you live in the world...and it equally doesn't matter if you THINK you are free. What matters is whether or not you get paid for your labor or property.

    Who said it: "None are so hopelessly ENSLAVED as those who THINK they are free"?

    This free website will prove conclusively, using well researched documents (many from the Federal Reserve System and its member banks) that you most certainly are NOT being paid, haven't been paid, nor are paying for anything since June 24th, 1968 by an act of Congress.

    It is not our fault that the media in 1968 failed to cover the world's largest bank robbery - wherein men in suits emptied our bank accounts of the last known commodity to serve AS the money - silver in coin form...and left nothing - NO THING in its place. But "something" had to take silvers place - didn't it? Read on for the answer.

    I was in 7th grade in 1968, and The Vietnam War was in full bloom. It occupied many minds. As you continue working your way through these pages, you'll begin to understand the power of those who can create money - and what they can "buy". One of the first steps to economic conquest is controll of all communications - Yep, the media, for one.

    Anyone reading this who has taken economics in college, surely must agree with my definition that economics is: "the dismal, dull, science of deception". (Unless of course, you are an economist).

    I mention this because like in most cases, the truth is simple but made to appear complex, so the slaves never catch on.

    And as you continue on with this website, please keep an open mind; hear me out, and enjoy the greet feeling that comes with understanding something you thought was so complicated.

    The ostrich pictured above is so symbollic of most people's situation. He drags his ball and chain unaware he is totally enslaved. Startle him with the truth and he burys his head (Guess what sticks out?). Truly, "Those who are unaware, are unaware of being unaware".

    Finally, as stated earlier, it matters not where you live on plantation earth. The USA has the same monetary system Russia has that Hitler had.



    Many thanks to Dave Wilber, Bruce McCarthy and the late, great, Merrill Jenkins Sr.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hylander_1314's Avatar
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    Part 2

    24 JUNE 1968

    So, What happened on June 24, 1968 that allows me the absolute certainty to make the previous claim: You HAVEN'T been PAID? Nor have you paid for anything - including TAXES. And get this: governments don't pay for anything either. Why would they? Why would governments spend money when they get everything they want with credit? READ ON...

    Actually, it goes back to The Coinage Act of 1965 which discontinued silver coinage (79 Stat. 254, 31 U.S.C.5112). Then, after a one year grace period, redemption of silver certificates in silver was discontinued as of June 24, 1968 pursuant to the Act of June 24, 1967 (81 Stat. 77).

    What does this all mean? It means that the U.S. CONgress just removed the last known commodity that once served as the money of account in the United States... In efffect, they told your bank to keep YOUR SILVER held there in "SAFE KEEPING" for YOU. And even assuming CONgress has the authority - to declare anything to serve as the money, the insidious fact is - THEY DIDN'T! They stole the silver in coin form that once served AS THE MONEY, and declared nothing to take its place. NOTHING, No THING.

    The guy pictured is John Herbert Dillinger. For those who don't know him allow me to quote: FBI History- Famous Cases - "During the 1930's Depression, many Americans, nearly helpless against forces they didn't understand, made heros of outlaws who took what they wanted at gun point. Of all the lurid desperadoes, one man, John Herbert Dillinger, came to evoke this Gangster Era...Dillinger, whose name once dominated the headlines, was a notorious and vicious theif."{FBI website

    What did Dillinger do "whose name once dominated the headlines..."? Again quoting from above:

    "From September, 1933, until July 1934, he and his violent gang terrorized the Midwest, killing 10 men, wounding 7 others, robbing banks and police arsenals, and staging 3 jail breaks - killing a sheriff during one and wounding 2 guards in another.".

    I personally, wouldn't call John a "hero" but the average American of his day thought otherwise, and he did rob a few banks during the Depression (which bankers created! - more later).But what happened on 24 JUNE 1968, wherein ALL BANKS NATIONWIDE were robbed by bankers and CONgressmen, does make Mr. Dillinger look like small fry don't you agree?

    Read on to see what was going on during the Dillinger years of 1933-34...

    FDR and CONgress stole our parent's and grandparent's gold coin pursuant to authority provided in the Emergency Banking Relief Act of March 9, 1933, and to add insult to injury, even went so far as to prohibit private ownership of gold with the Gold Reserve Act of 1934! Why would they do that?

    Seems Mr. Dillinger was garnering all the headlines while the real, DANGEROUS theives were getting the riches?

    But, where are all the headlines from June 24th, 1968? Never saw this one: "DILLINGER A PIKER COMPARED TO THE BANK ROBBING GANG OF CONGRESS AND THE FED"

    Nope, not a word mentioned. Hmmmm?

    So, you have read this far and concluded: (1) I must be a gold - precious metal nut, and (2) SO WHAT, the system works and works well, and you have a good job, two kids, nice wife, a pay your taxes, love your country and why don't I get a life and quit complaining???

    Well let me tell you...You don't pay your taxes, you work for slips of paper the first user got for nothing, you are out bid in the market place by the people who get for nothing what you MUST labor for, and your country - love it or leave it, has surrendered its sovereignty long ago! Surrendered ? Sold it out, and you and yours and all they produce with it!

    Fact is, we all labor on the world plantation and I complain because I am a slave and don't like it! What is wrong with you?

    (Beware of those who warn: "Say No to the New World Order" and "world government"...It is old news for we have had total and complete world government for years now and YOU MISSED IT. Beware of "tax protesters" too - they are as obsolete as "Vietnam War" Protesters would be today.)

    WORDS have precise meanings, and "payment" is no exception. To "pay" means to deliver to, something - some THING that is doesn't mean to DEFER payment with credit instruments, or to tender notes that are PROMISES TO PAY!

    (Hey, if we could pay with promises to pay, why work? Let's just enjoy life and write out promises!)

    But our masters and their lackeys - our mis-leaders, won't let us do what they do, otherwise they'd have to labor and produce.

    Think about it: What good is running/owning a plantation wherein the masters must toil and the slaves consume all they produce?

    So while I briefly go on to explain June 24, 1968, economic bondage and "money", think about the following Federal Reserve Bank of New York quote (Part of the USA's central bank) from their publication: KEEPING OUR MONEY HEALTHY, page 12 - "If fewer people were bidding against each other...then prices would not go up, and our money would keep it's value." If you don't see the significance of that statement, read on, it will become perfectly clear later on.

    It seems to me our banker/masters prefer "healthy money" [their credit] to healthy people??? Is that what all the health care hoopla is about?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Hylander_1314's Avatar
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    Part 3


    Time for a brief history lesson, for what has happened to us - worldwide, has happened to many in the past...Banking schemes have been going on for a long time.

    Let's take a look at the roots to modern banking. The following excerpts are from a letter to me, dated August 20, 1991 from Mr. Russell L. Munk, Assistant General Counsel-International Affairs, US Dept. of Treasury:

    "Modern banking is often explained by analogy with the practices of goldsmiths in early seventeenth century England. These goldsmiths held their customer's gold in safe keeping and issued notes to the customers instead, promising to deliver the gold on demand. The goldsmiths discovered that the customers would not all want the gold back at the same time, so it was safe to loan the gold to someone else in the meantime. When the goldsmiths loaned the gold out, he had created money. Obviously, the amount of gold had not increased, but the note promising to pay the gold circulated as money and so did the gold it was based on - before the goldsmith intervened only the gold circulated as money. It was an easy step to making the loan in the form of a note promising to pay gold, and keeping the gold safely in vaults at all times. Then only the notes circulated as money"

    Not a bad story, ok, what did Mr. Munk tell us? It appears that those who came before us weren't any smarter then we are today. (With the exception of the 'dumb farmers' at the turn of the 1900's who knew what a wooden nickel was - most today have no clue what a dollar is!) Do you see what happened? They put their gold on deposit for safe keeping, were issued a note for the gold on deposit, FIGURED (incorrectly) that since the note could redeem the gold, it must be just as good as the gold it can redeem, and then they began spending the note in the market place!

    Dumb, dumb, dumb, and well deserving of being fleeced.

    The NOTE was NOT as good as the gold any more than a warehouse receipt for an apple is as good as the apple, nor is the note for the apple an APPLE! Master that! The note or receipt is probably paper, and one can effortlessly write anything on paper...but how do you get gold? Doesn't someone have to apply human effort in mining and refining...LABOR!!!

    Guess what else happened? You now had two units of consumption (the gold and the note) chasing after no additional increase of stuff in the market place - goods! There should have only been one unit of consumption - THE GOLD, but the slaves thought the note was as good as the gold and increased consumption...get it?

    Do I hear you say: WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT?

    You have to understand that gold is wealth...somebody had to labor for it. When the gold is bartered in the market place for some other thing, a non-inflationary exchange takes place - one thing for one thing! Great, and no nosey, snooping government involved in the equation!

    How much effort does it take to write a note? Is the note wealth or just a DEMAND for the wealth on deposit? See the problem starting to rear its ugly head?

    Again, Mr. Munk: ".Nothing limited the number of notes the goldsmith could issue except the fact that he did have to pay gold if anyone presented them to him. If he issued too many, people would not believe that he would be able to pay, and would refuse to accept them. To avoid this problem, prudent goldsmiths - and later, prudent bankers - always kept a certain amount of gold on hand as a reserve".

    WOW! The goldsmiths could issue unlimited notes to bid in the market place against LIMITED consumables, without EFFORT, and the laboring slaves who created the consumables were OUTBID by the goldsmiths, who used AS money the notes they got for nothing, that the slaves had to work for (how else did the slaves get the extra notes the goldsmiths were writing? They probably labored or surrendered their wealth for them thinking they got PAID!) and all the slaves stood around wondering what caused the inflated prices, since there was far more notes chasing fewer goods. What a scam!

    Those 'prudent' goldsmiths who lost sleep at night worrying about a run on their banks did keep a little gold on hand just in case some slave wanted gold...But why worry? The dumb slaves never asked for the gold, they liked the notes..."not as heavy to lug around at the shopping malls as filthy gold..." I suspect Mr. Munk is too kind in stating the slaves may lose confidence in the goldsmith's ability to pay gold...I believe that the goldsmiths worried a run on the bank equals a public lynching of the goldsmiths!

    Consider this: "For what is the commodity which a banker deals in and makes a profit by? He opens his business and has an array of clerks with their desks, ledgers, etc. He then gives notice that he is ready to buy gold from anyone who has it to sell. And what is the commodity with which he buys the gold - what does he give in exchange for it? His own credit." A HISTORY OF BANKING IN ALL LENDING NATIONS, Vol.2 ["A History of Banking in Great Britain," by Henry Dunning MacLeod], p.210 (1896)

    Man oh man! The world's most profitable industry - banking - has no tangible product...just 'his own credit'!

    Why do most have to labor for what a few get to create?

    Why do you think you are not enslaved to the creators of credit?

  4. #4
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    Part 4


    Let's define our terms. According to The Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) of New York's publication, I BET YOU THOUGHT, page 5: "Anything people generally accept in exchange for items of value is money." Of course the operative word is "ANYTHING", not NO thing...more on this later.

    How about checks, are checks 'money'? Again I BET YOU THOUGHT, page 7: "Checks aren't money in themselves. They are simply order forms instructing banks and other depository institutions such as saving banks and credit unions, to move transactions balances...Banks don't keep cash in checking accounts and don't transfer currency or coin when acting on a checks instructions. Checkbook balances are transferred between accounts as bookkeeping entries only."

    What have we learned so far? Any-THING can be used AS money, and CHECKS are just written orders to the bank to PAY the money, but in this case the any THING, or money in the checking account is "bookkeeping entries only", or NUMBERS...Got any 6's or 9's? There's a weekend coming up!

    The FRB of Chicago writes in their publication, MODERN MONEY MECHANICS on page 2: "Money is such a routine part of everyday living that its existance and acceptance are ordinarily taken for granted. A user may sense [Think?] that money must come into being either automatically as a result of economic activity or as an outgrowth of some government operation. But just how this happens all too often remains a mystery".

    Ah yes, a mystery, but wait, trust me, the Fed (Federal Reserve Sysytem and it's member banks in the USA - put in the name of your nation's central bank here) will soon solve the mystery for us!

    Again, MODERN MONEY MECHANICS, page 3: " In the United States neither paper currency nor deposits have value as commodities. Intrinsically, a dollar bill is just a piece of paper. Deposits are merely book entries. Coins do have some intrinsic value as metal, but generally far less than their face value. What, then, makes these instruments --checks, paper money, and coins-- acceptable at face value in payment of all debts and other monetary uses?".

    HEY, The Fed wants to know - what makes you slaves take 'these instruments' as payment???

    Here's the Fed's answer, same publication: "Mainly, it is the confidence people have that they will be able to exchange such money for other financial assets and real goods and services whenever they choose to do so."

    A CONFIDENCE GAME! Bookkeeping entries - numbers, valueless paper currency, and copper/nickel slugs (remember - they stole our gold and silver coin!) and we surrender our labor and goods/services for THAT?

    It gets better, for again MODERN MONEY MECHANICS, page 3 talking about why the slaves take it: "This is partly a matter of law; currency has been designated "legal tender" by the government -- that is, it must be accepted by creditors in payment of money debts, and paper currency is a liability of the government. Transactions deposits are liabilities of the depository institutions which stand ready to convert such deposits into currency or transfer their ownership at the request of the depositors. Confidence in these forms of money also seems to be tied in some way to the fact that the assets exist on the books of the government (or central bank) and the depository institutions equal to the amount of money outstanding, even though most of these assets themselves are no more than pieces of paper...and it is well understood that money is not redeemable in them.".

    "Money" is anyTHING people accept, but then the mystery...wherein "money" is NO THING such as bookkeeping entries, pictures of dead presidents and copper/nickel slugs operating on us in a huge CONFIDENCE game, with the FORCE of government making us accept them, although the assets are nothing more than paper too!

    And exactly who/what is it that creates this No Thing used as money today - internationally?

    MODERN MONEY MECHANICS, page 3: "The actual process of money creation takes place in the banks.".

    I BET YOU THOUGHT, page 5: "Demand deposits are the nation's most common form of money, comprising about seventy percent of all money in circulation. This checkbook money is bookkeeping money created mainly by the nation's commercial banks.".

    I BET YOU THOUGHT, page 27: "Banks create money by 'monetizing' the private debts of businesses, individuals and governments. That is, they create amounts of money against the value of those IOUs.".

    Consider too what the FRB of Philadelphia writes in their publication - THE NATIONAL DEBT, page 8: "The Federal Government, with the cooperation of the Federal Reserve, has the inherent power to create money -- almost any amount of it. This power makes technical bankruptcy out of the question.".

    Do you want to know why they stole our gold and silver coin?

    So they could get us to quit using the money we produced and instead get us dependant upon the money they create! "Money" with the force of law; "Money" you only have IF your banker says you do! We don't need a government to tell us to accept silver or gold in coin form...but when it comes to bank confetti???


    "Economics" I defined as the dark, dismal science of deception, wherein you are forced to learn a buggered up language so that you can't understand what has so simply enslaved us all - hence the "deception" wherein not one man in a million can diagnose the problem, for after all, those unaware are unaware they are unaware!

    Okay, isn't "CREDIT" what we use when we don't have any money? Isn't it something we apply for and get from say, a bank, when we first prove to the bank we don't need it? You know, you're a little short of cash right now but you'd like to have that new car so you 'buy it on credit', right? WRONG!

    FRB of New York's publication KEEPING OUR MONEY HEALTHY, page 12: "And you recall, our system works only with credit". Ever learn that in school?

    Seeing as how our definitions don't appear to be realistic, let's let the FRB of Chicago define the term "credit" for us in their publication - TWO FACES OF DEBT, page 1: "Debt is credit".

    Let's see, if a=b, then b=a, so if "debt is credit", then credit is debt! So page 12 above could read: "And you recall, our system works only with debt.".

    And don't forget the previous quote referring to 'monetizing' the private debts of businesses, individuals and governments....

    Hmmmmm, credit is debt is debt monetized is monetized debt is MONEY?

    So, what happened back in 24 JUNE 1968?

    CONgress removed the last known THING - silver in coin form, that was used AS the money in the United States and failed to declare any THING to take its place, yet some "thing" had to take its place...and that some "thing" was the NO thing known as credit is debt is monetized debt is MONEY! And not only was the payments mechanism WIPED OUT by that Act of CONgress, but we were placed under the greatest CONfidence game in history, and the misleaders in 1968 knew something had to be done, for if a bad check is an irredeemable check, why isn't irredeemable currency bad currency?

    "Currency backing isn't relevant in today's economy. Currency cannot be "redeemed" or exchanged for Treasury gold or any other asset used as backing. The question of just what assets "back" Federal Reserve notes has little but bookkeeping significance.". I BET YOU THOUGHT, FRB New York, page 29.

    Not "relevant"??? Why not? Could it be because you THINK you have money, your banker agrees that you have it, and you THINK you are paid and therefore THINK you are free??? Could it be that simple?

    By the way the US Treasury owns no gold and hasn't since August 1975, see the Treasury Bulletin by the same date for verification.

    SO WHAT, you say, doesn't this system work?

  5. #5
    Senior Member Hylander_1314's Avatar
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    Part 5

    You don't say...

    When one grasps the overall picture of what was (using something as money) to what is (using nothing as money - what banks effortlessly create), you get an insiders peek at Pandora's box.

    Remember the quote from FRB New York's publication: KEEPING OUR MONEY HEALTHY, page 12: "If fewer people were bidding against each would keep it's value.".

    Remeber that?

    "FEWER PEOPLE", that's us!

    When you have the exclusive power to create money, that the slaves of the world must labor for and surrender all that we produce for, you get some unique opportunities the rest of us don't. You don't need to do anything for profit - why work for a profit when you can create money?

    What and who can't you buy with unlimited money you create? Teachers, preachers, politicians, news media, standing armies, police, and of course, all the slaves necessary to work your plantation!

    I guess you could even buy the world and tell the rest to get off! But wait, If you did that, who would do the work, your bidding, build your toys and enhance your life style...enrich and reward and service your high standard of living? Who would feed you? Would you really want to plow lumpy, bumpy fields? Tend cattle and slaughter house activities? Mine minerals under ground and risk cave ins? Work in sweat shop factories? Naw, It is much easier to create the money the slaves are willing to work for - we will do the labor.

    And that is precisely why money is created: To obtain the labor and wealth of others without PAYMENT!

    While there are numerous advantages to creating money and owning the plantation, there are some draw backs.

    What if the slaves catch on?

    No problem, that's why you buy the teachers, preachers, news media, and have standing armies and police...owning the courts are nice too...these issues, if the slaves wake up, will never see the light of day in court.

    To 'muse' means to think - to 'amuse' means to not think, so it is always prudent to see that the slaves have plenty of AMUSEMENTS!

    What if consumption, powered by unlimited money creation, out strips production? In a fantasy world of using nothing as money, consumption could easily exceed 100%, yet with everyone producing, production in the real world could never exceed 100%!

    That's the rub! You can't have a plantation wherein the slaves consume all they produce, for then the masters don't get their fair share, nor can they reward their accomplices with anything.

    Even though there is no payments mechanism left, for again, how do you PAY or get PAID with debt instruments, there must be a way of regulating the slaves consumption...The illusions of taxes is one effective way of balancing the ratio of consumption to production - Tax the stuff away from them and they will have less to bid in the market place...DEATH has the added bonus of eliminating CONSUMERS! You know - FEWER PEOPLE!

    Remeber what the FRB of Philadelphia said: "The Federal Government, with the cooperation of the Federal Reserve, has the inherent power to create money -- almost any amount of it...".

    Why doesn't the Federal Government and the Fed, or your government and central bank, create all the money they need to feed starving people, stamp out poverty, care for the aged and pre/new born???

    Answer: "If there were FEWER PEOPLE..." their BANK CREDIT would better keep its value, all of us in the dark, and all of us humming slave songs as we went off to work.

    There are two ways to conquer a people - militarily and economically.

    It is hard to hide military occupation and the jack boot tactics. But, economically, wherein all the victims think they are free, wherein not one in a million can diagnose the slavery...A REAL WINNER!

    And all you have to do is regulate consumption and kill consumers!

    No government on the face of the earth uses anything as money, all are conquered economically and all citizens are enslaved to the creators of credit. Truly, we are all citizens of the world, and all embrace a unified, world government run by the bankers and their ilk.

    It doesn't matter if you kill 300,000 Iraqi's or 300,000 Americans, as long as the over abundant slaves die.

    And do our masters ever hate WOMEN! How so?

    On a deserted island you have 100 men and 1 woman...population doubles every 100 years.

    On a deserted island you have 100 women and 1 man...population doubles every 1 year!

    The deserted island, or for that matter, the world, cannot sustain such population growths according to our masters, so, with a combination of imaginary taxes, fees, fines and licenses; by controlling medicine and "public health" and the food industries, the population can be decimated by an endless array of chemicals, additives, abortive procedures, quack surgeries. etc............

    Then, kill the men in their most reproductive ages with endless wars that cost nothing to prosecute, starve a few millions, infect a few millions....end result?

    A happily balanced, prudently managed, productive plantation! (Or, do you really believe we are fed NaF - Sodium Fluoride, a notorious RAT, ROACH and RETIREE poison because some one is worried about our TEETH?) [By the way, retirees have ceased producing yet still consume...can't have that!]

    And still you say "it works"?

    A visit to any veteran's cemetary anywhere in the world proves it works all too well for our masters!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Hylander_1314's Avatar
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    What's a dollar?
    "Riddle me this Batman..."


    This is not hard, and even though elementary in my approach, it is a simple means to make a simple principle understandable...So:


    To those of you who answered YES, I most certainly agree.

    Since a Tuna is a fish, wouldn't 10 (ten) Tuna have to be 10 fish? ABSOLUTELY!

    IS AN APPLE A PIECE OF FRUIT? YES an apple is a piece of fruit, and 10 apples would be 10 pieces of fruit. GREAT!


    And if you answered YES to that question, then please answer the following:


    If a dollar is a piece of paper, how could two halves, four quarters, ten dimes, twenty nickels or one hundred pennies BE A DOLLAR?


    If I held an apple in my hand in such a way that you could only see one half of it and then proceeded to ask you : "What am I holding in my hand"? Would you answer "An apple"?

    But what if, much to your surprise, I showed you the part of the apple that was concealed in my hand, and it had stamped on it : TEN APPLES - U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE...? Would you still say I had an apple, or would you say now I really had ten apples?

    Think about this, for you do it every day! I believe intelligent people should answer questions correctly. And of course, just because the USDA stamped 10 on my apple, or the privately owned Federal Reserve prints 10 on their imaginary notes, certainly doesn't make one become ten AND YOU KNOW IT!

    "United States money is expressed in dollars..." - Title 31, United States Code, Sec.5101.

    And land in the USA is "expressed" in acres, so paper deeds to land are also expressed in acres - although an "acre" is not the land, nor is "dollar" the money BUT the UNIT OF MEASURE of gold and silver in coin form, ONLY when gold and silver are current AS the money!

    Gold and silver have been used AS money for a long time throughout history and for very good reasons including but not limited to: 1) relative scarcity; 2) doesn't rust or spoil; and, 3) has universal acceptance...again, we don't need any government to force us to accept gold or silver, but they have to force us to take paper.

    A convenient unit of weight was needed to express gold and silver; the shekel of old later giving way to the troy ounce of today. But Americans officially in 1792 - [Coinage (Mint) Act of 1792, which the Boston FRB states: still the law..."] adopted the decimal system for weighing gold and silver, the "dollar" being the primary unit of measure.

    Nevertheless, just as gravel is measured in cubic yards, sugar in pounds, and milk is expressed in quarts, so too, silver and gold were weighed in dollars. And since no tangible entity answers to a 'gravel cubic yard', 'sugar pound', or a 'milk quart' - it stands to reason no tangible commodity could answer to a gold or silver 'dollar'! And the reason you do NOT have a 'silver dollar' in your secret hiding place, is the same reason you do NOT have a 'milk quart' in your refrigerator - that is, NEITHER EXIST.

    Intangible units of measure are not fashioned from tangible substances!

    So, why do you correctly say "a quart of milk", and incorrectly say "a silver dollar"?

    Accurate or lawful delivery [PAYMENT] of a substance or thing requires three elements or indicia: 1) Numeric quantity; 2) Unit of measure; and 3) the thing or substance being measured. In fact with out all three of the above indicia, no merchant can do business with any customer, anywhere - consider:

    You own a deli with a fine array of meats and cheeses, etc...and I approach you with this request: "Could I please have 3 pounds please"? In order to fill my order you need all three indicia and I only gave you two - quantity = 3, unit of measure = pound, but I failed to tell you what the substance was, so you must ask; "3 POUNDS OF WHAT?" Then, once I tell you "smoked turkey breast", you have no problem filling my order.

    So, what do you do when I next order: "Could I please have pounds of Swiss cheese"? This time you must ask: "HOW MANY POUNDS of Swiss Cheese"? since I only gave you measurement and substance, but not QUANTITY - Get it? This is NOT difficult, is it?

    By now, as a deli owner, you are wondering if I am not the dumbest person on earth, yet when I ask you how much is my total order, you say: "Ten dollars please"?, and if I asked you "TEN DOLLARS OF WHAT?" you'd be dumbfounded!

    When we used gold/silver AS the money, you would have said: TEN DOLLARS OF GOLD (pricy shop you run!), and we could both conduct our business...So today - TEN DOLLARS OF WHAT? Dollars of dollars? Do we have "gallons of gallons"? See the scam, fraud and CON?

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    Mar 2007
    Grant Township Mi
    "Taxpayer vs Taxprotester"
    What happened here?

    Even absent snow, North Dakota can be brutal during the winter months, especially February. (I know, I live in North Dakota).

    On February 13, 1983, US Marshal Kenneth Muir, and Deputy US Marshal Robert Cheshire Jr., were killed - local law officers wounded, attempting to serve a warrant on Gordon Kahl - "Tax protester". (The picture above is the infamous crime scene that fateful day in Medina, North Dakota.).While Gordon escaped unharmed, his son Yori was shot several times in the ensuing gun battle.(Gordon was later killed in Arkansas in a nationwide manhunt).

    Both sides have had their stories told with much conflicting information, but I am attempting to discuss the similarities between both sides...the tragic similarities that affected so many friends and family members - And for WHY?

    The 2 Marshals, deputies of the federal courts, just doing their job - doing what they are "paid" to do...operating on their belief system -vs- Gordon Kahl, distressed farmer in a horrible farm economy - just trying to eek out a living, witnessing the hardships worked out upon him, his family, his neighbors in Heaton, North Dakota, operating on his belief system.

    The Marshals, representing a long hisory of the US Marshals Service (The History Channel did an excellent series), proud, hard working, "TAX PAYING" - Gordon Kahl, representing farmers, a long, proud history (The "Shot heard round the world" which triggered The American Revolution, was fired by a farmer with an unregistered gun), hard working, once "TAX PAYING" - traded shots that day in Medina, North Dakota over ERROUNEOUS AND IGNORANT BELIEFS!

    For in 1983, the Marshals weren't paid, and paid no taxes - they had nothing to pay taxes with.

    In 1983, Gordon Kahl protested the ILLUSION of taxes, for he did NOT understand the purpose of the IRS (to regulate consumption and consumers), nor did he understand the nature of CREDIT - neither party did! The media didn't tell them, the government schools didn't teach them, however, the Federal Reserve System had been publishing the truth long before this horrid incident.

    WHY would reasonable, honorable men meet on the field of battle to shoot it out over their beliefs concerning taxes - WHEN EITHER SIDE NEVER DISCUSSED THE ABILITY TO PAY TAXES IN THE FIRST PLACE?

    Why don't reasonable, honorable, thinking men first discuss a PAYMENTS MECHANISM prior to discussing tax liabilities, who must file, how, what rights are waived, etc...?

    A tragedy that affercted many innocents on both sides never had to happen. A Honorable, WWII veteran, and Honorable US Marshals never needed to die over such nonsense. And its all because educated men believe such fables and fairytales such as: Governments collect, spend and waste taxes - banks lend money.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Hylander_1314's Avatar
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    What can be done?

    Absolutely NOTHING if you aren't convinced there is a problem!

    If it doesn't make you outraged that a few get to create the very money we must labor for, that they use daily to outbid us with in the market place...

    If it doesn't make you outraged you have been lied to about the nature of their credit and all they have stolen from the producers with it...

    Or, If it doesn't make you OUTRAGED that they are decimating our ranks with endless novel ways of regulating and flat out killing us...

    What then can I say?

    However, IF THIS MAKES YOU MAD AS HELL, then there are somethings we can do.

    1) It is absolutely IMPERATIVE that all LEGAL TENDER LAWS be scrapped! Unfortunately, this requires house and senate support and it is doubtful that current bunch of well rewarded prostitutes and pirates will bite the hand that feeds them.

    Years ago, there was a bumper sticker that said: CLEAN HOUSE - SENATE TOO!

    Why we keep casting secret ballots for lawyers, bankers and corporate businessmen to represent us, remains a mystery and proves mass mind-control is already a stark reality.

    But we do hopelessly out number our masters and their lackeys, so it COULD be accomplished IF enough understood the seriousness of the mess we are ALL in.

    2) QUIT SEEKING AND ACCEPTING government confetti - US multi-colored Treasury Checks. There was a simple Vietnam War protest poster that said: "SUPPOSE THEY GAVE A WAR AND NOBODY CAME?" Wow, what a simple and powerful FREEDOM concept! By rewritting that perfect wisdom we get: "SUPPOSE THE GOVERNMENT ISSUED A CHECK THAT NO ONE ACCEPTED?"

    (Many I have exposed that concept to say "the public won't do it"; "what about the senior citizens", etc...WELL FOLKS, if you understand what this website is about, and you survive the Masters of Plantation Earth attempts to CULL US, you will realize it is the nature of expanding debt to COLLAPSE. And when it collapses it will be PANDEMONIUM on a massive scale - PERIOD.)

    Might as well endure a little discomfort now, on our time scale, then try to ride out the disater on our master's time schedule - for make no mistake, they know it is coming and are well preparing for it.

    3) ALL COMMERCIAL BANKS and all governments must be run through bankruptcy proceedings and the confiscated wealth of the producers must be returned to the people who produced it. Banks must return to warehouses that store the public's wealth in safe-keeping for a fee, and every wharehouse receipt must be fully redeemable. ANY cheating by wharehousemen (bankers) must result in the immediate death of the one cheating. Debasing the currency is too serious and impacts too many to allow any other response.

    1, 2 & 3 won't happen you say? A big pipe dream?

    You are probably right. ( I am a REALIST not an Optomist! ) Okay, at least take the following suggestions to protect you and yours...

    4) QUIT helping our masters reduce your consumption by saving what you think is money...Whatever the stuff is in your bank accounts, SPEND IT! Dump it hard and fast on the market place and buy goods...things you can use and trade in barter exchanges. This late in the game, I would seriously recommend you develop some strategies for survival. In an economic collapse, your worst enemy just might be your unprepared neighbor!

    5) LIQUIDATE all your paper assets; stocks, bonds, IRA's, money markets, etc and DUMP that cash on the market place and buy goods...things you want and can use and trade in barter exchanges.

    6) MAKE NO DONATIONS to any entity, church, civic, political, etc., that hasn't or won't tell you the truth! Any one of the big organizations, by just telling its members the truth, could set this mess straight in short order...The churches, NRA's, Unions, Dem/Rep/Libertarian parties, AMA, Cancer societies, United Ways, colleges/universities...any one could, UNLESS they have a vested interest in keeping you enslaved! And take that donated cash and dump it on the market place too!

    7) UNSUBSCRIBE from any news media outlet - magazines, web sites, dish TV, cable, etc., that won't tell you the truth and dump that cash on the market place too!

    DON'T VOTE the status quo! There is no Republican or Democrat in this country, or major party candidate in your country that will do anything about the problem...They are richly rewarded for serving their masters well!

    If you must vote, choose wisely amongst the "others" listed on the ballots, or write yourself in. Politicians need to know we are on to their schemes.

    What is important is that once you wake up, you dump any cash you have and overwhelm the market place, which will show all just how phoney their system is.

    Nothing I suggest enrichs me...YOU WIN for it is your 'money' and YOU are buying what you want, to use as YOU see fit, and YOU will end up with something real in your possession.

    Taxes et al are wholly illusionary that don't fund governments but DO regulate your consumption...While free people FIRE their public servants and slaves FEAR them, I can offer you no advice on how to navigate in those waters...suffice it to say: Be wary of "tax-protestors" for they have had nothing to protest in this country since 1968!

    An all too commonly asked question goes something like this: "What if enough people lost confidence in the system, dumped all they had in the market place and ended up collapsing the phoney house of cards that enslaves us all - what would we replace it with?

    Hey, do you ask your doctor that wants to cut out a wad of cancer from your body: "Doc, what will you replace it with"?

    There are only two monetary systems:

    1) BARTER - A system that uses something as money;

    2) CREDIT - A system that uses nothing as money.

    What would YOU choose to replace it with? Once you become free, YOU decide!

    Truly, the 64 million "dollar" question should be:

    ARE THERE TOO MANY PEOPLE or too many people rewarded with counterfeit for not producing, such as bankers, lawyers, welfarites, government drones, novelists, cartoonists, lying journalists, casino employees, pro athletes, movie stars, singers, accountants who count NOTHING and the military? WOULD GOVERNMENT FIGHT PRICES BY FIGHTING POPULATION? (Thanks Dave W!)

    "The commitment of government to deal with the population issue is of course, essential. There are of course, many ways to make the death rate increase." - Robert S. McNamara, NEW SOLIDARITY, March 30, 1981

    Are we the "fewer people" "population issue"?

    "Hillary Clinton lauds those trying to curb population." AP, 2/8/99

    "The upper echelon science policy makers have made a crass,calculated, cynical change in the traditional policy of seeking to prevent cancer...Will probably result in hundreds of thousands of deaths attributable to cancer." Congressman Al Gore Jr., St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Dec.9, 1982.

    (It has been estimated that between 40 - 60 million have died from malaria alone just with the non-scientific banning of DDT back in 1972.)

    Please don't acuse me of being too cynical, but afterall, isn't it "prudent" business to CULL THE HERD of the non-productive, whether they be cattle, non-laying hens or people?

    PEACE has consequences!!!

    "If governments should refrain from regulation ( READ - Taxes and extermination) the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent and the fraud upon the public can be concealed no longer." -- John Maynard Keynes -- THE ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF THE PEACE, (1920).

    I encourage your feed back, invite you to tell a friend about this website, and e-mail me for further discussions and answers to your questions. (Also check the FAQ's section)

  9. #9
    Senior Member Hylander_1314's Avatar
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    Wasn't that famous line first uttered as the Titanic sank "To the life boats - women and children first".?

    Well, much has changed in almost 100 years since the Titanic sunk - especially the complete reversal of man's nobility to the women, children, aged etc. The masters of the plantation Earth, see women, children et al, as a liability and a property - to be "managed" and culled from the herd as THEY see fit.

    I am assuming you have read this site in sequence - that that is how you got to this particular web page. If not, I strongly urge you to start from the beginning CLICK HERE.

    This web page will be partly a review, and partly a regularily expanding page of all the ways our masters plan to exterminate us - their slaves. I suggest you book mark it so you can check back often.


    "If there were fewer people bidding against each would keep its value." (FRB of New York - KEEPING OUR MONEY HEALTHY). Remember that ?

    Less women = less people.

    If 100 women and 1 man were stranded on a deserted island, the population could double every year.

    BUT, if there were 100 men and only one woman, it would take about 100 years. Get it?

    I've been told that more females are aborted than males - there generally are more females born than males if abortion is not a factor (aborticide). Since Roe v. Wade in 1972, some 44 million dead, more than half WOMEN...

    In the "liberation" of the 1960's, women "came a long way baby" and even got their own cigarette - Virginia Slims - designed to "fit the hand of a woman..."

    Today, with women in the work place - they lead men in heart disease and heart attacks.

    With women in the military - they expose themselves to even more hazards and opportunities to die for their masters. (Not too long ago, the military in endless no win wars was a great way of killing men in their most reproductive years.).

    So, for those women who survived the aborto-lotto; didn't become choking smokers, stressed out bread winners or military casualties...what about the new socially engineered, Hollywood approved, lesbian movement?

    Yep, seems every where you turn, the lesbians are jumping out of the closet and into our faces. What they have in common with their queer men counter parts is - you guessed it - no reproduction unless they cheat with technology or become "bi" sexuals.

    I am NOT passing any judgement upon women here - I am simply pointing out how easily they have been fooled, duped, played - by our master's lackeys to do their bidding and call it "rights", "enlightenment", "liberation", "progress", what have you.

    At this point I wish to introduce monetary realist extrodinaire - Dave Wilber. I have been plagerizing his writtings and wisdom for years. Dave has fought the battle longer than me, and we go back to the early 1980's - Below is an excerpt of his writtings dated January 16, 2006 - Enjoy:

    "I say that no issue can be more vital than why the fed needs babies and retirees dead."

    "Most people don't want to hear about taxes, partly because they believe falsely that government needs taxes and partly because the fear of jail terrorizes them. Others master case law and the IR code but can never understand or teach that 'revenue' agents neither seek nor collect money and that our misleaders spend NOTHING, not even the paper that all of us call money."

    "As for the gun issue, far too many argue about the second amendment that gave us no rights and the arguments of the gun grabbers on the second amendment may easily appeal to Joe Sixpack. We were born with the right of self defense. It is wrong to argue the second amendment gave us a right when it only enumerates one right."

    "It is a collosal waste to argue about what bastard will get a seat on the Supreme Cult. No matter who gets it, he/she will not be our servant."

    "The abortion issue is a grand example of machiavellian politics where both sides are controlled by the same people. You cannot get those people concerned about extermination by fluoridation, aspartame, alloxan, cow's milk or anything that shortens the life span of us who were not aborted. Many are indifferent about abortion since it won't happen to them and others buy the propaganda of 'too many people'.".

    "To concentrate on the money issue alone is wrong because it is just too simple for many to understand, while many truthfully insist 'it works' when it works us out of our land, labor and our lives and far too many only care about who runs the evil system rather than how to end it."

    "Since most people want to be healthy and survive, we must learn and expose all the means of biological, chemical and psychological warfare waged against us. We must concentrate on this.":

    "CAN OUR GOVERNMENT PERMIT A SURE CURE FOR CANCER IF ONE IS FOUND?" What would happen if they did? Would they tell us if they couldn't permit it? These are things we are not supposed to think about. Here are a few more:"

    "Why does the pollution of our drinking water with fluoride continue 8 years after the professionals at the EPA began telling the world that fluoridation kills people - CLICK HERE"

    "'The upper echelon science policy makers have made a crass, calculated, cynical change in the traditional policy of seeking to prevent cancer' and he believes that recent decisions to relax regulatory standards 'Will probably result in hundreds of thousands of deaths attributable ot cancer"', Congressman Al Gore Jr., ST. Louis POST DISPATCH, 12/9/1982"

    "'The administration has allowed a 100 fold increase in the cancer risk without advertising the change'. Congressman George Brown, ST. Louis POST DISPATCH 12/9/82"

    "'But he finds that the basic cause for increasing prices over the ages has been a growing population'. AP writer Carl Hartman, St. Louis GLOBE DEMOCRAT 11/11/80"

    "Are there too many people or too many parasites rewarded with counterfeit for not producing - such as bankers, lawyers, welfarites, government drones, novelists, cartoonists, lying journalists, casino employees, accountants who count nothing, and the military? Would government fight prices by fighting population?"

    "'The commitment of government to deal with the population is of course, essential. There are of course many ways to make the death rate increase' Robert S. McNamara, NEW SOLIDARITY, 3/30/1981." [Are you 'population' dear reader?]

    "'Hillary Clinton lauds those trying to curb population' AP 2/8/99"

    "'Old people have the duty to die and get out of the way' Colorado Gov. Richard Lamm"

    "Do YOU really believe that water is fluoridated to protect your teeth by the same government that is decimating us with free abortions, free sterilizations, subsidized tobacco, subsidized sugar, alcohol, aspartame, agent orange, caffeine, canola, chlorine, lethal swine flu shots, MSG, milk, nitrites, syphilis experiments, radiation experiments, vaccinations, and phony wars under the pretext of 'halting communist expansion' while lawyers, judges and journalists were enforcing all ten planks of Marx's COMMUNIST MANIFESTO here? Do you believe that? Would you like to buy a bridge? OUR misleaders are Marxists!

    "'By the time of his death in 1924, Lenin had willfully and remorselessly created an unparalleled system of warfare against his own people. And thus, out of the maw of the "War to end all wars' there arose a hideous new form of warfare: 'perpetual institutionalized terror against ones own citizens, even to the point of exterminating them' - George H. Nash, Presidential Biographer, IMPRIMIS, 4/92"

    AGAIN, do not alcohol, alloxin, aluminum, aspartame, caffeine, carageenan, canola, chlorine, fluoride, subsidized cow's milk, MSG, malathion, nitrites, Nutrasweet, sucralose, subsidized sugar, subsidized tobacco, and subsidized vaccinations constitute biological and chemical warfare against us? Nobel Laureate, Paul Samuelson in ECONOMICS, FOURTH EDITION, described the Federal Reserve as an 'omnipotent counterfeiter' that the fed admits their unlimited counterfeit would keep its value 'if there were fewer people bidding against each other' - Federal Reserve Bank of New York - KEEPING OUR MONEY HEALTHY rev.1/1979"

    "They obviously prefer healthy money to healthy people!"

    Why waste your time with the current AMUSEMENT known as the great "health care" reform debate when you over look what is being done to us now ?

    "To know what would happen if people quit dying of cancer is to know that in this welfare state, a sure cure for cancer can NEVER be permitted while the majority are rewarded with counterfeit for NOT PRODUCING."

    "'One fourth of humanity must be eliminated from the social body. We are in charge of God's selection process for planet earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.' Psychologist Barbara MARX Hubbard, - member and future/strategist of Task Force Delta; A US Army think tank, and a traitor, mass-murderer and demented nutcase.'"

    "'We should not allow our dread of diseases to endanger the future of our species. This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people PER DAY. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it.' Jacques Cousteau - globalist, mass-murderer, nutcase and control freak, quoted in UNESCO COURIER, 11/91"

    More from Dave Wilber HERE

    Read more about it:



    Again Dave Wilbur's closing comments:

    "To muse is to think. Amuse is no think. Amusements inhibit serious think. Actors, entertainers, ball players, hockey players, journalists, cartoonists, novelists, pornographers, evangelists, casino operators, bankers and their employees are highly rewarded with paper money to keep us from thinking about who gets all the paper first for nothing; and the impossibility of paying taxex with it and why we must pretend."

    "This is a nation of jet propelled, air conditioned, steak eating slaves wherein Americans are amused, confused, defused, diseased, divided and conquered as well as aborted, chlorinated, fluoridated, indoctrinated, intimidated, interrogated, incarcerated, regulated, vaccinated and decimated."

  10. #10
    Senior Member Hylander_1314's Avatar
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    Common Questions

    Many visitors to this site have contacted me with valued critique and numerous common questions.

    We have been taught incorrect information from all levels of schooling, media sources and especially government...Face it, there is a great number of vested interests who need to keep the myths and fraud alive.

    The man pictured to the right is the new Federal Reserve Chairman - Ben Bernanke. He is, without a doubt, The Great and Powerful Wizard of OZ, who by far has more power and influence than any past, present or future President of The USA Inc.

    There is irony in mentioning Mr. Bernanke here: Like the epic: THE WIZARD OF OZ, wherein Emerald City wasn't green - the citizens were forced to wear green glasses - Ben too, has a vested interest in seeing that his slaves wear blinders.

    Yet, most of the information provided here is NOT some weird, obtuse monetary theory written by a local malecontent - it is information FREELY provided by the very same Federal Reserve System Mr. Bernanke chairs. Imagine that!

    QUESTION: "Why does the fed print the truth on monetary matters if they are part of the program to keep us dumb and enslaved?"

    ANSWER: We live in a democracy - the worst form of government known to man. A government controlled by the majority, and it matters not if the majority are educated or ignorant...A form of government wherein sports fans, soccer moms, Joe Sixpacks, mall shoppers, the uneducated and unemployed, rock stars...can VOTE!

    How many people striving to survive, have time to read fed publications? 1 - 5 %???

    And lets say 5% do read and UNDERSTAND fed publications? What damage, in a democracy, can they do? When a select few have the incredible ability/power to "create" effortlessly the medium of exchange - IMAGINARY or not - they will "buy" anyone and do anything to protect this power, including media, teachers, preachers...etc.By the way, the "fed" is actually a friend in our effort to understand and correct this credit nightmare...HEY, they print the truth, what is wrong with that? Many in the "fed" know this system is shaky, but it isn't their job to correct the mess we are in...Guess whose job it is? (Ah yes, "When good men do nothing...")

    QUESTION: "Do you advocate gold backed money?"

    ANSWER: NO! An utter impossibility! 'Money' is psychological - It can only exist in the the term FURNITURE. You can use a chair, bed, couch...AS furniture, but there is no furniture per say. You can use gold, silver, wheat, bullets...AS money, but there is no money per say. If gold is the money, how would you "back it"? If gold is the money, what price could be on gold?

    QUESTION: "Since gold was once money in the USA, and we went back to gold, would there be enough gold for all monetary transactions?"

    ANSWER: Once people understand the term - PARITY - (The value of one item expressed in the value of another - example: Paper can be used as money, but it may take two truck loads of paper to buy a car that one ounce of gold could), then you will understand that just a cup full of gold would be enough for ALL transactions.

    But why limit it to gold? Silver, Iron, Copper...etc could all be used as money, and with modern day computer tills, conversions amongst metals (PARITY of gold to iron for example) could easily be calculated.

    QUESTION: "What would you use as money?"

    ANSWER: A wide variety of metals in coin form, and if you don't like carrying coinage, then use 100% redeemable warehouse receipts...Just as long as the metal, or wheat, or frozen orange juice was on deposit in direct proportion to the reciepts issued and could be redeemed upon demand. NO INFLATION, NO DEBT...PARADISE!

    QUESTION: "Why did they steal our gold in 1934 and silver in 1968?"

    ANSWER: Very simple: So they could get us dependent on what they effortlessly create, instead of being dependent on what we once produced. NO MODERN WARS could be fought if we universally used SOMETHING AS money! President Lincoln knew that if he was going to prosecute a war with the South, and needed people to pay for it with their gold/silver in coin form...there wasn't going to be any war. That is why he devised and introduced GREENBACKS. And since that time, all wars were made possible by credit is debt is monetized debt is MONEY.

    Face it, in a truly free society, if you had to dig in your pocket for every war, welfare scheme, pork barrel project and government would end over night.

    And the best news is civil servants would be dependent upon you for their survival! Free people don't fear their servant - THEY FIRE THEM! Ah, PARADISE!

    QUESTION: "I teach sociology at an Illinois college - what would happen to me in your system?"

    ANSWER: If enough parents and/or students saw value in your goods or services, they will pay you for them. If not, try painting houses or produce something society wants.

    QUESTION: "Who would build the roads, schools, hospitals, churches...?"

    ANSWER: The people who want or need them. People who want to be in the construction, education, health care and relig-biz businesses...They would be built/run for PROFIT. Actually, if there was a payments mechanism, the gas tax is the fairest form of taxation...those who drive pay for the roads, those who walk - don't! Yet, who would believe governments can build/do anything better than private sector sources???

    QUESTION: "What would happen to foreign aid, foreign policy...a particular nation's interests abroad?"

    ANSWER: In a free society, you are able to spend your wealth as you see fit...want to give it away to charity or foreign governments? Go ahead. Just keep your hands out of my pockets. Who still believes US "interests" abroad are my interests - or yours? I didn't lose anything overseas.

    QUESTION: "What is the National Debt and why is it so big and how could we ever pay it off?"

    ANSWER: The "National Debt" is nothing more that a RECORD of all the wealth transferred from the hands of the producers to the hands of those who create the credit to effortlessly steal it away from the producers.Remember, the SOLE purpose for creating "money" (credit) is to obtain wealth without having to PAY for it. Since "WE" didn't steal the wealth, "WE" don't need to "pay it off". Those who stole it must return the wealth to the producers, and a good start would be to bring the bankrupt US Government into bankruptcy proceedings.

    QUESTION: "How do you pay your bills...?"

    ANSWER: I don't - I can't. I have nothing with which TO PAY. "Federal Reserve Notes" - 1's, 5's, 10's..."dollar bills" (By the way, they aren't FEDERAL, embrace NO RESERVES and aren't NOTES by definition of "a note") are debt instruments which can only, if accepted, DEFER payment - Period. "Checks" are merely written orders to a bank instructing the bank "TO PAY" the money, and since banks have nothing on deposit, they cannot PAY either. (By the way, it is impossible to rob a bank today unless you steal the potted plants or the pens used to sign notes). So, what is left for me to obtain goods and services? How do I get them? SIMPLE: I pass very clever counterfeit of notes that once bore a promise of redeemption.

    Please feel free to e-mail me on any questions you might have, or if you require a further clarification on some point raised on this site.

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