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  1. #11
    Senior Member Hylander_1314's Avatar
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    Grant Township Mi
    Dakota Nuclear

    In the early 1990's, this webmaster (Dave Corum), Rob Dupuy, Galen Winsor - long time nuclear chemist with over 45 years experience in the industry - much of what he learned was taught by the creators of the early technology, and Col. L. Fletcher Prouty (1917-2001) - Chief of Special Operations - Pentagon, Advisor to Oliver Stone's movie JFK (played by Donald Sutherland) and head of a delegation to Antarctica - McMurdo Sound, to witness the installation of the PM-3A reactor there to make the naval base totally energy independent in 1963...Formed a little nuclear advocacy group called: Dakota Nuclear.

    It was the position of Dakota Nuclear that each community, nationwide, could become energy independent - cutting out completely the federal power inter-tie system, with large line losses and enslaving kilowatt hour meters - and by employing proven design, mass produced, small, high efficiency reactors like those time tested and employed in the U.S.Navy's submarine fleet, to accomplish this goal.

    The vast majority of my website: Worldslaves, hinges upon "monetary realism", and the vast majority of the work we did at Dakota Nuclear hinged around "nuclear realism"...And there is a correlation, for there is an equation that sums it up neatly:


    And it is difficult to argue that free, wealthy and productive people are easily enslaved.

    Think about it, energy so cheap it doesn't pay to meter it! Energy that is marketed much like cable TV - Use all you want - 24/7, and pay a small monthly fee of say 24.00 (credit system) or 2 dollars of silver (barter system)

    As I previously wrote in my main site - "Who or what can't you buy with unlimited money (credit)?", Here I ask - "What could'nt you do with unlimited energy?" AS a home owner, as a businessman...the possibilities are endless.

    But our masters couldn't stand the thought of an energy independent people. A free people who are productive and use the commodities they produce as the money, not the credit our masters effortlessly create.

    The lackeys and liars are masters "bought" with their endless supply of credit caused fear and raised falsehoods about the fissile resources the people owned...they were confiscated to "protect us" from our valuable resources. And we let them.

    The peole who said NaF (Sodium Fluoride) was added to drinking water because they care about our teeth, lied about the non-hazards of "nuclear waste" - an utter impossibility. We were told to take these valuable resources and throw them down deep holes, because of phoney radiation fears.

    The people who banned DDT - which is harmless to humans and animals and has saved millions of lives, scared us with phoney Hollywood productions like "China Syndrome".

    The fledgling "new kid on the block" nuclear industry was gobbled up by the energy cartels - Big oil, coal and natural gas - powered by endless credit bookkeeping entries, the nuclear power industry built enormous generating plants, with terriffic line losses - PURPOSELY built upside down and backwards, with massive "containment" domes over the reactors...more nonsense, more fear peddling...more failure by design. "Containment" of explosive levels of hydrogen rather than opening the windows and venting.

    But the Navy knew how to do it...How much lead and concrete do you put on a sub so that it goes under but can't get back up? Where is the reactor located? CENTER SECTION with the crew locked under with it, life dependent upon the operation of the reactor. IF it doesn't run, they all die. Where are the bald and dying sailors cluttering up the VA hospitals?

    We did a lot at Dakota Nuclear in our 3 short years of operation, we just did it slightly before the correct time. In this part of North Dakota, where I live, I am surrounded by "Obama Windmills" - these stupid 2.3 MWe wind turbines. And that is max output on a good day. Submarine reactors punch out 145 MWe and could be housed in a two car garage. Our use of the real GREEN, energy efficient reactors are prohibited.

    Dave Corum - October 2009

  2. #12
    Senior Member Hylander_1314's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    Grant Township Mi
    Here's the SERIOUS Challenge:

    If YOU can describe the money that governments "waste, collect and spend" or banks lend or "Tax payers" claim to send to the IRS - Then I will send you 100 pounds of it, and i'll "pay" the shipping.

    Contact me HERE

    IF you can't answer the call to take this challenge, then I strongly urge you to do one of two things:

    1) Pass the challenge on to someone you feel can tackle the challenge;


    2) Click HERE and learn what I know, wish YOU knew, and the knowledge won't cost you a thing.

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