Our Plan

-- Stop the Amnesty legislation with a historic level of calls, faxes, and e-mails.

-- If the bill succeeds on Cloture Vote, immediately publicize the names of those that betrayed America and launch a candidate search to remove them from office.

-- Prepare to fight the bill in the House.

-- If it passes both chambers we will support candidates that will go to Washington and remove the Amnesty provisions of this law. If we must, we can kill this law before the citizenship provisions for illegal aliens kick in.

Your calls, e-mails, and faxes are having a big impact in DC. Staffers report that they cannot remember this many people calling and the vast majority of calls are AGAINST the amnesty bill S. 1348.

The problem is that many members of the Senate still think they can define Amnesty and tell you this is not an amnesty. We also know that a few members of the Senate have cut back room deals and will vote YES on CLOTURE and NO on S. 1348 so they can claim they voted against the bill, when in fact they voted to suspend the rules so the bill could be voted on without debate.

The vote that decides this bill in the Senate will take place in about 9 hours at approximately 5:30pm EST.

If you were going to take a day off of work to contribute to this effort, today would be the day.

Our activists have worked hard to bring you an improved CONTACT LIST for the US SENATE located at this link....

http://www.alipac.us/modules.php?name=F ... ic&t=63874

C-SPAN will start their coverage early this afternoon when Senator Jeff Sessions will start a Filibuster of the Bill and speak for about 3 hours. We suggest that everyone tunes in to C-Span to listen and watch while making calls to the US SENATE DC Offices, US SENATE DISTRICT OFFICES, and US SENATE CAMPAIGNS.

You can watch C-Span online at http://www.c-span.org/watch/


If you get the voice mail system, leave your message there and keep calling back till you get a human.

New Messages You Can Use


This bill is AMNESTY, everyone knows it, a yes vote on CLOTURE is a YES VOTE FOR AMNESTY and the whole country will remember this when you are up for reelection. Vote the way American citizens want you to. NO ON CLOTURE NO ON S. 1348!


"If you pass this bill then all of the illegals will become "Guest Workers", in fact, they will become YOUR Guest Workers. Instead of illegal aliens murdering Americans, soaking up tax dollars, and taking American Jobs, they will become "Senator __(Insert Senators Name Here)'s Guest Workers" <--- This is a powerful tool. Show them the amount of responsibility they will have for their actions.


Have you heard that many DC staffers have told their bosses that if their Senator votes YES on CLOTURE for S. 1348 they are resigning their positions immediately? Do you know how big the walkout is going to be?


This bill contains a national biometric ID, in-state tuition for illegal aliens, trillions in unfunded mandates, rewards for illegal aliens, amnesty for illegals and guilty corporations, resources to protect Mexico's Southern Border! What are the supporters of this bill thinking? This is an outrage.


America knows that you are trying to pass this bill without proper debate. We ask you to vote NO on CLOTURE to allow proper debate. This large bill just became available and nobody has even read the whole thing, except for those that wrote it. Please do not deprive all Americans of due process on this bill.


Special calls:

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL)

Senator Sessions is on our side and will be speaking for a few hours before the CLOTURE vote is taken to override the rules and shut down debate. Please call to thank Senator Sessions. Tell him America is with him and you will be watching his speech on C-Span and will call to help. Tell Senator Sessions to really let the pro-Amnesty supporters of this bill have it!

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-NC)

Call Senator Graham's (R-SC) offices and let him know that he is coming home in the next election for cutting secret deals on this Amnesty Bill. You may want to watch this video and share your angry reaction with his staff.


Senator John McCain

Call Senator John McCain's office and tell him you are happy to hear he will not be voting on Cloture. Tell him that you know his political career is finished because once you have been in political bed with Ted Kennedy on immigration, your political career is finished. Ask John McCain to share that news with other members of the Senate before it is to late!

Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)

Call Senator Saxby Chambiliss's offices in DC and Georgia and tell them you read about how he was booed at the GOP convention for supporting this amnesty bill. Ask the staff if they are aware how fast Georgians are going to bring Senator Chambliss out of the Senate for supporting a bill that will override the enforcement legislation passed by the Georgia state government? Senator Chambliss's YES vote on CLOTURE for this bill will be a YES vote for AMNESTY and the people of Georgia will not stand for it!

Senator Elizabeth Dole (R-NC)

Senator Dole has come out in public against this bill, however, she has not said she will vote against Cloture. Is Dole one of the ones, which has cut a deal and plans to vote Yes on Cloture and No on the bill. We need to know today before the vote!


If you want by the minute updates or to see what others are saying in their calls, please visit this link on the ALIPAC website.

http://www.alipac.us/modules.php?name=F ... 155#359155

Please do all you can today and know that thousands of us are working hard beside you even though you do not see us.

ALIPAC's William Gheen will be on many radio shows today calling other Americans to our aid and will be on the phones to the Senators as well.

We will notify everyone by e-mail as soon as the Cloture vote takes place.

If you are a new supporter or have not contributed in some time, now would be a great time to lend your support via our SECURE ONLINE CONTRIBUTIONS PAGE at....

http://www.alipac.us/modules.php?name=C ... page&pid=9

Thank you for your hard work in this fight and thank you for your continued support of ALIPAC.