Dick Armey of Freedomworks (The group trying to take control of the Tea Party Movement) supports AMNESTY for illegal aliens and Armey says the Tea Party movement is about "Free Markets" aka NAFTA and CAFTA.

Obviously he believes in free labor and consumer markets across OPEN BORDERS.

Do you agree with Dick Armey of Freedomworks? Does this explain why the DC insiders are trying to keep the illegal immigration issue out of the Tea Party movement?

Leave your comments beneath this video where Dick Armey calls for 'liberty' for illegal aliens and claims Americans that oppose illegal immigration are "mean spirited"

VIDEO: Dick Armey wants Freedom for illegal aliens in America

Please comment and distribute!

You can also comment and leave a permanent record of your feelings online at ALIPAC at this link. We especially want to hear from our supporters that are current members of Freedomworks.
