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  1. #131
    cclarkkent's Avatar
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    Baku, Azerbaijan
    Picture looks fine to me when I looked at it for inconsistent shadows, layering and cropping.
    America <div>Home of the free</div><div>Home of the brave</div><div>Home of 20 million illegal*alien villagers*and counting!*</div>

  2. #132
    Senior Member sarum's Avatar
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    cynthiatweedle, the author of that article is ignorant to the max. The Mexican government teaches their people how to come here and claim benefits. The U.S. government does give Social Security to I don't know how many (I want to know) illegals. They just make them legal. All they have to do is transfer their property in Mexico to relatives and come here and give the right sob story. I know because my Mexican descent US citizen family in border towns sees it all the time and talks about it with anger and frustration. How would you like to work here all your life and get less in Social Security than the illegal? It happens all the time and it's in your face. They brag about it.
    Restitution to Displaced Citizens First!

  3. #133
    GeeDub's Avatar
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    This is definitely "photoShopped" work. I am a photShop expert (since late 80s) and have touched up and designed MANY images from photos in the graphics business all these years. I can tell by the "fogging" and digital "bits" surrounding the photo upon zooming in on the piece and enhancing it. Not only the two pieces are different colors (as another poster commented) but the writing itself is indicative of a digital tablet style of writing ...or someone pretty good at "mouse writing" within the parameters of PhotoShop or CorelDraw....or any of the other several brands of digital graphic software. This stuff is SUPER easy to make folks.

    Therefore, yes, although I too am a conservative who hates all this free lunch attitude of the illegals immigrants in my beautiful country......there's ZERO need for creating this kind of pure hate "pot stirring".

  4. #134
    GR is offline
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    First, about a sign that threatened to kill police.

    During one of the SB 1070 riots / demonstrations in Arizona there was a woman holding a sign (could have been a man, as I notice in the picture within this subject post is a man, but it could be mistaken for the woman right behind the sign).

    The sign said something like "we will kill police (cops) until we get amnesty" - again, something like that.

    I only saw the segment a couple of times, but Fox news (the national channel with Bill O'Reilly, et al) was where the segment was aired, and it was one of the really busy demonstration / riot days in Arizona, such as a Saturday. Could have been any day though, but was definitely one of the days when both voices about SB 1070 were being heard.

    Also . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by sarum
    cynthiatweedle, the author of that article is ignorant to the max. The Mexican government teaches their people how to come here and claim benefits. The U.S. government does give Social Security to I don't know how many (I want to know) illegals. They just make them legal. All they have to do is transfer their property in Mexico to relatives and come here and give the right sob story. I know because my Mexican descent US citizen family in border towns sees it all the time and talks about it with anger and frustration. How would you like to work here all your life and get less in Social Security than the illegal? It happens all the time and it's in your face. They brag about it.
    Not only is this true, but I've heard from employees of some companies who hire illegal aliens, pay them in cash, and do not make them pay taxes. On payday the illegals waltz past the Americans and brag (as you said, in their face) that they don't pay taxes, then laugh loudly, and none of the administration ends the behavior.

    Personally, I believe that the problem has gotten so bad because of something that is not being said anywhere.

    People of signifigance, and otherwise, are being paid off by Mexico's government, mafia, drug cartels, and/or the millions of drug runners that constantly criss cross over the border.

    Illegal aliens get WHATEVER THEY WANT.

    These ingrates get a WINDFALL LOTTO win GIFT PACKAGE FULL of all the things listed in the quote attacked AND MUCH MORE.

    Why would California's governor come out and proclaim on camera a couple months ago that he was not taking welfare away from illegal aliens, right after he passed a demanding rule to all California state employees that they HAVE TO TAKE AT LEAST ONE DAY OFF (I think it's) every other week WITHOUT PAY?

    None of the people who stick up for illegal aliens would ever allow an invasion into any home of their family or friends.

    Yet, they almost encourage illegal aliens to "come on up" and take whatever you want, because we'll pay for it and you won't have to pay a thing.

    For simple votes? I don't think so.

    For simple workers, who actually work for cash most of the time? Nope.

    So what ARE the backers of illegal aliens actually getting? Money? Power? Or something more sinister?

    Fact is no one allows anyone to walk all over them in their home(s).

    Yet, they encourage illegal aliens to do just that in America?

    This invasion is more pervasive within America's elite, powerful, and money people than we can imagine.

    Mexico's Calderone didn't just happen to give an insulting speech against Arizona without being assured that he would be overwhelmingly admired, or paid, for doing so.

    This invasion is calculated and run by some very powerful people who are paying others off for shutting up and allowing it to happen.

    "We the people" can still win on this though, so don't think it's all lost.

    America's own are already turning against everyone who seeks to destroy, invade, and/or further steal away America from "we the people".

    God Bless America - He is with those who trust in Him, and that is not illegal aliens or invaders of any kind.

  5. #135
    GR is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by grandmasmad

    I just found the picture with a story at the above site
    Not sure if this is the original subject when the link was posted, but currently it's about Obama's lack of proof for USA citizenship.

    The article went on to speak about how Glenn Beck's viewers were declining because he was alienating Americans by not joining in on the fight against Obama regarding his birth certificate and other legal documentations required by every other American citizen.

    First, Beck has one of the largest followings, if not THE largest on Fox News. O'Reilly is constantly kidding with Beck that Beck has surpassed O'Reilly, so the numbers are there.

    Beck is more focused on how America is being destroyed by Americans who have an anti-American agenda.

    But I'm not sure that article was the one intended to be originally linked.

  6. #136
    CowboyRN's Avatar
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    Who do they think they are coming to our country and protesting our laws, and were letting them get away with it. I do not feel they are entitled to any civil liberties if they continue to come into our country and break our federal laws, I say round the bunch up and drive south. As for the photo, I truly believe this is how they feel towards Americans, but I also feel someone is trying to stir the pot.

    It's America the free.........not freebies!
    <div align="center">Cowboy Collins RN

    "For my house, we will serve the Lord"

  7. #137
    ROlmeda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanElizabeth
    icwatiz, I noticed what the one guy standing next to the sign holder says. It appears to be the word "vigilante". I can see the back part of it which is "ilante". I do not know Spanish, and not sure what other word would end like that except vigilante. Anyone here know Spanish and what the othersw would be so we could make sense of what the title of that document or DVD says?

    If it is something with the word vigilante, then it would certainly fit in with the sign the other is carrying.
    It doesn't say "ilante." It says "GANTE," which rules out vigilante. Could be GIGANTE, which means Giant. In any event, nothing that proves lawlessness (or disproves it).

  8. #138
    Senior Member stevetheroofer's Avatar
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    somewhere near Mexico I reckon!
    "The sign tells the whole story, we're lazy!"
    So much for the "They work hard and just want to better they're lives!" theory! or else they wouldn't let him carry that sign!
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  9. #139
    Senior Member southBronx's Avatar
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    well In my book you don't get any thing . it look to me what your P
    off that the american are not going to let you have your way any more . as it said give us feee
    1 health care
    2jobs & No tax
    3 house & food
    4 we will shoot more Police in Az until we get free
    that don't work any more . by the way your in Az they have every right in hell to say go home . this is our country not mexico . &i know for sure . (Mod Edit) so wake the hell up Mexico .go then hell home we are all standing , Our ground on this one mexico & Obama don't have any say he work for Us the American don't work for him
    so every on In Az stand your ground
    we don't do this In Mexico so they have no right In hell
    I have a son go to welfar for help& they have no money & he is American citizen & you want help I don't think so
    come ON all you other state & country stand the hell & figth
    Mr Trump
    Good luck to who ever Run for President any thing better then what we all Have now
    No Amnesty
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