Tell ya what. I never graduated from a "big college" like Yale. I've never been well endowed by parents and grandparents - my family worked hard and did the dirty work to get the gears going for this country. I'm as financially strapped as everyone else who is a "commoner". I've already been told by friends and family that I must be living in a dream world to even think I could ever make it into office with no high-level college degree and no billions of greenbacks in my bank account.

Fact is, I learned MORE about American history in grade school than any modern college could ever hope to teach - and teach it right. I learned MORE about government in grade school as a young lad, and the documents by which it is to be LIMITED. I learned MORE about basic economics in grade school than any modern college could every hope to teach - do modern colleges teach about how the Federal Reserve isn't really federal? Nope. Do they teach that the currency is worthless paper since it isn't backed by gold and silver? Nope. Do colleges teach that the economy was DESIGNED to "cycle" from bottom to top back to bottom with a huge sucking sound associated with it when it does? NOPE.

Did our current "Commander in Chief" serve his country through to completion? NOPE. Did I? YUP!! Does he understand what it takes to survive at this point in time? NOPE! Do I? YUP!! Does he care about the "commoner"? NOPE! Do I? YUP!!

I approached a gentleman tonight at a convenience store when I was writing a check for $50.00 after having filled my tank. I asked him what his thoughts were on the gas prices - he said it's ridiculous. I mentioned to him that I honestly believe there are SEVERAL ways to put a stop to the oil cartels in Washington D.C., and that I am now working on building a base beneath me to run for office locally at first, with my sights set on Washington D.C. He said he is all for me but he stated I'll never make it because I don't have the financial backing the "tried and proved" folks have from their lobbies and special interests. He asked me which groups I would accept my funding from and I said - NONE: I AM NOT FOR SALE AT ANY PRICE! I told him I will develop a base of COMMONERS who have MORE financial possibilities than big oil and big business combined. After all, they all work so hard to get it FROM us - they aren't counting on millions of folks backing myself and others who are finished with the treasonous behavior at the state level and in Washington D.C.

His final response: Good luck chap, but people are too busy filling their gas tanks writing $50.00 checks like you, you'll never make it.

Contrary to this pattern of thought where people think only big money can change a nation, I was raised differently. It's a matter of PRINCIPLE - not how many pieces of fake currency you can accumulate to buy media airtime. Granted, SOME is necessary but where on Earth did people come up with the concept of "money to Washington D.C., no money - flip burgers the rest of your life and forget about changing anything.


It is TIME people. Time to put an end to this sellout. Time to put an end to open borders. Time to put an end to Globalization and all of it's bogus arrangements such as NAFTA, GATT, FTAA, CAFTA. Time to put a stop to judges writing laws. Time to repeal every single piece of legislature which suppresses the Constitution of the United States - especially the 2nd Amendment. Time to slap big business with sanctions for hiring illegally residing aliens - 20% of gross annual income as a fine, loss of ALL tax breaks and write offs, a 60% duty tax on all currency leaving the United States of America via Western Union and others where it has been abused. Will I cave in to big money interests of Western Union? NEVER.

We were attacked and thousands upon thousands were brutally killed on September 11, 2001. This was a result of indifference, ignorance and OPEN BORDERS. Those who participated in this government-sanctioned modern Reich stag due to complacency were carrying false documentation and were not naturalized U.S. Citizens. As a result, I would place 60,000 military troops on the border with full combat gear, and orders to intercept smugglers, coyotes and illegal entrants. These troops would not be permitted to make any offensive moves but would be given explicit orders that if fired upon - they are required to defend themselves and the United States of America with total rights to eliminate any who choose to engage them. Enough is ENOUGH.

The Minutemen would be DEPUTIZED under Federal Law, provided proper training in national defense. They would JOIN the military troops at the border. Any civilian who can prove proficiency with firearms and understanding of our Military Code of Conduct - as well as general knowledge of the Geneva Convention - would be permitted to join ranks with military at our borders.

The United States Military would immediately be called home to their homeland for training in protection of our own homeland. Border Patrol would be provided no less than $5 Billion dollars annually in equipment, personnel and manpower. This nation would immediately be rolled back to pre-amnesty events.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency would be given orders to begin performing 24-hour investigations and law enforcement routines, arresting and deporting as many as possible over a two-year period of time. At the same time, laws would be introduced to crush the idea of hiring anyone who is not within the nation legally - NOT JUST TOUGHEN THE LAWS AGAINST THEM. It would stop - RIGHT NOW.

I would petition the American People in order to declare a national state of emergency - MINUS implementation of Martial Law. Every able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45 would be required to own a weapon for personal / home defense during the crackdown. Rules would be set in place prohibiting OFFENSIVE use of such equipment with severe penalties. This would help in minimizing the chances of "anarchy" - citizens would still be policed so as to prevent OFFENSIVE maneuvers.

During the state of emergency, funding would be allocated to alternative fuel and power development for small passenger vehicles (cars, pickup trucks etc). Our national oil supplies would be tapped ONLY for the largest of vehicles.

My plan would be limited in scope based upon the original Constitution and Bill of Rights documents. It would be just and considerate for those who love this country and desire liberty and freedom. It would be draconian to those who seek to return to a two-class nation of elitism and slavery.

I will be working to find others of like mind who are willing to put away their personal lives in order to begin running for office - NOW. We will cater to the COMMONER and we will either revamp/restore our two major parties, or we will become their replacement through a third party of systematic and orderly conduct.

Time to clear the "dust bunnies" from under the desk of the Oval Office and to get something done.

Either I achieve the Oval Office in my lifetime, or I die trying. Life as I know it has come to an end. Things have changed.