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  1. #1
    rmsings's Avatar
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    Am I high or did I just hear Bush say in Marriage speech

    That this national question requires a national solution, and on an issue of such profound imprtance, that solution should come not from the court but from the people of the United States.... a little later in the speech he says A consitutional amandement is the most democratic proccess by which ourcountry can resolve this issue, in their wisdom our founders set a high bar for amending the constitution, an amendment must be approved by 2/3 of the house, and the senate, and then ratified by 3/4 of the 50 state legislatures, this process gaurantees that every state legislature an every community in our nation will have a voice and a say in deciding this issue..... A constitutional ammendment would not take this issue away from the states as some have argues, it would take it away from the courts and put it directly before the American people.... All people deserve to have their voices heard, a consitutional amendment will ensure they are heard.

    ARE WE NOT BEING HEARD LOUD AND CLEAR IN REGARDS TO IMMIGRATIOM? I want to vote on it, I want to cast my vote no for reform and yes on securing the borders! I really apologize if thereare misspellings, I am furious as I am pausing my TIVO to write all this crap!!!

  2. #2
    Senior Member BobC's Avatar
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  3. #3
    4MyKids's Avatar
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    Another smoke screen by Bush! Bashing gays will stop all the illegals from coming! This will show them! After all, it is our American gay population that is breaking the laws! Save me from all the gays who wants to get married, because they are the reason why I had to wait 4 hours in the emergency room with my 3 year old when he needed stitches! Save me Bush!

    I was wondering when Bush was going pull the gay marriage issue to distract us... Time to stay more focused. Don't let this side track our important mission.

  4. #4
    Senior Member steelerbabe's Avatar
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    Bush is trying to appease his conservative base since they are so pissed off about his amenesty program

  5. #5
    rmsings's Avatar
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    I guess what I was trying to point out, or maybe I took what he said wrong, was that an important issue like this should be brought to the people of this country. what I am outraged about is if that is what he is implying, should not the illegal immigration issue come to the people of America, the voting people.

    I am fearful of tomorrows vote in California, that the illegal votes will be counted and somehow we need to be heard on that issue as well, if Busby and McKain are rallying them to vote, how will the legal citizens votes be counted when there are more than 900,000 (I think was the figure quoted) illegals in California alone. (although I personally feel that number is much higher)

  6. #6
    Xianleather's Avatar
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    He talks out of both sides of his face, do your best to look away when hes on TV, hum to yourself if it helps.

  7. #7

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    Oh Yes - lets attack and persecute gay folks - some of the largest educated. creative. contributors to the US and local economies.

    Most gays contibute more money in property taxes (which educate all of the local children, including illegals, of any given community). This is very important, since so many folks feel entitled to irresponsibly pop out babies even though they know they can't afford them.

    Most gays put more of their money into the local economy since they don't have children. Most gays more than support themselves, and rarely lean on social free lunch programs and welfare. As a matter of fact most gays support charities because of their extra incomes.

    Most gays contribute to the SSI program all of their lives, and have never been able to leave it to their partners. This gives the SSI Program money for all of the deadbeats that don't contribute.

    Most gays are active in Community affairs, including revitalizing blighted areas of all major cities. They join forces and put their own money into neighborhoods, house by house, street by street, and turn blighted areas into charming places to live (with tax funded schools). Whenever I am looking at real estate, I live smack dab in the middle of two gay men. I try to purchase a dwelling that has been renovated by a gay man. As a single woman, I can tell you that gay men keep up their yards and look after woman and the elderly in their neighborhoods.
    I'm "Dot" and I am LEGAL!

  8. #8
    adelantepresidente2's Avatar
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    My wife entered the US of A on a "fiance visa" that I was able to obtain legally for her as I am a US citizen. We had 90 days to marry from the day she entered the US of A. We did so and have been married 6+ years.

    IF GAYS are allowed to legally marry then GAYS will be allowed to obtain a legal fiance in another country FOR THEIR POTENTIAL MARRIED PARTNER AS THEY SAY.. The State Department will have to give a gay citizen the right to obtain a fiance visa for his homosexual potential partner anywhere in the world.

    Do you think this will be abused? Lots of gay men or women who are naturalized citizens from Mexico or other countries will claim a relationship with a friend in their home countries just to get them here? It happens now with heterosexual couples, false marriages, but it would be worse with homosexuales.

    How would the State Department verify a homosexual couple? Have them kiss at the embassy? The devil is in the details on this issue!

    The Democrats want to give the country away and the Republicans want to sell it?

  9. #9
    Greyerhat's Avatar
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    1. Just because people who are homosexual do not get the right to marry does not mean that they are being "persecuted".

    2. Just because there would be a Constitutional ammendment that bars gays from being married ALSO does not mean that they are being "persecuted".

    3. The main reason for the need for a Constitutional Ammendment is because some homosexual radicals wage a very active war against Judeo-Christian values, and the marriage ammendment is a legitimate response to gays attempting to force others to accept their lifestyle.

    There have been stories over and over - documented - about "Heather has two momies" and "Kenny has two daddies" because Homosexuals are trying to teach OTHER PEOPLE's children things that those parents do NOT want taught.

    As a rule the Homosexual lobby subscribes to the socialist ideal that the Parents are merely the caretaker of their own children, but that parents have no rights to determine what the CONTENT of the teaching for children AUGHT to be.

    Just because Gay people may keep a clean lawn or a well painted house does NOT mean that those same people aren't in the local junior high school trying to force kids to wage "documentaries" that promote homosexuality. The issue of what they do in their home may be their business. The issue of what they are doing in those communities - Outside of their home - is everybody else's business, when it comes to impacting the local educational system.

    It is very debatable whether gays as a population would be helping the local economy. The gay population for better or worse has a far higher rate of HIV and STD - on a percentage basis - than the heteroxexual population does.

    Pharmaceuticals work with Medicaid and SSI to have taxpayers pick up the bill for most of the Medication that deal with HIV. Although its true that Gays have more money and also better health care, it is also true that most of them run out of health care benefits long before they die, so the burden on the taxpayer is rather high, not Less high - because of their lifestyle.

    Where they are active in community affairs, it is often because they have a gay underground network that runs into the offices of most city governments. Their control of the disbursement of federal grants on the local level is what allows them to receive all sorts of benefits that non-gay people would not have access to.

    As to their contributions to "local" organizations such as United Way, it is well known that United Way uses its funds to support Gay Rights groups on a political basis. Overall gay rights groups use their power and leverage to take rights AWAY from regular americans and to Leverage their way into other groups such as Churches, Boy Scouts and the 4 H clubs for purposes of forcing "aculturation" which is more accurately described as homosexual indoctrination.

    The Constitutional Ammendment against Gay Marriage may not be the way to go, but only because of other political considerations.

    The issue of the State Department working to actually INCREASE immigration by bringing in Gays from OTHER countries, because they are facing something that also deserves much greater scrutiny. This has been a program and a State Department goal since the days of the Clinton Administration.
    Let's be brutally honest: THe Only thing that matters is when you force Politicians to STOP and PAY Attention to You. Its time to think about ways to do that.

  10. #10
    Greyerhat's Avatar
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    Asks Federal Appeals Court to Grant Asylum to Gay Mexican Im

    Homosexual Lobby Legal Asks Federal Appeals Court to Grant Asylum to Gay Mexican Immigrant

    Lambda Legal Asks Federal Appeals Court to Grant Asylum to Gay Mexican Immigrant

    Lambda Legal Asks Federal Appeals Court to Grant Asylum to Gay Mexican Immigrant

    by VisaPortal Staff

    Wednesday, November 24, 2004

    Lambda Legal is appealing the denial of U.S. asylum to a man who faced severe antigay persecution in Mexico. The man was denied asylum by an immigration judge in California. The judge said the man didn't seem gay and could hide his sexual orientation to avoid persecution.

    Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV. Jorge Soto Vega's case is the latest in Lambda Legal's decades of work.

    Lambda Legal represents Soto Vega in an appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit in San Francisco. The 56-page brief in support of Soto Vega asks the federal appeals court to reverse the immigration judge's ruling.

    Jorge Soto Vega, a 35-year-old man from Mexico, faced severe violence in his native home from the community and his own family since childhood. He was detained and beaten severely by police who threatened to kill him because they wanted to get rid of homosexual people.

    The immigration judge rejected Soto Vega’s application for asylum in the United States. He said Soto Vega did not “appear gay” and could keep his sexual orientation hidden. According to the judge’s words, if Soto Vega returned to Mexico in some other community, it would not be obvious that he is a homosexual.

    Lambda Legal argues that the government did not show that Soto Vega would be safe from harassment and assault if he were to return to Mexico. Spokespersons for the national organization obtained a stay of deportation pending review. They will argue that the immigration judge misapplied asylum law, which does not require a person to hide his or her orientation that led to persecution. Lambda Legal claims that the public and law enforcement officials in much of Mexico continue to harass and assault gay people.

    Lambda Legal also cites a number of previous cases of people who were granted asylum for a variety of reasons and weren't told to go back to their countries and hide their identities in order to avoid persecution.

    Source: ... icle_id=69


    Note: Obviously no one would support the persecution or physical harm of homosexuals. Having said that, the LAST thing that is needed is to bring more Homosexuals over here on special visas. Its not only the Social Services that would be drained, but the Medical Accounts for their HIV & other medical issues also.
    Let's be brutally honest: THe Only thing that matters is when you force Politicians to STOP and PAY Attention to You. Its time to think about ways to do that.

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