The reason our workers have no power is not a social problem, it's a government problem. We have our laws that protect both employer and employee. Pretty good ones, too. But they aren't enforced for Americans. Yes, there ae some sneaky regulations in there that need to be culled and allow employers to pull tricks and schemes, to actually commit fraud and unfair labor practices, but the general law forbids these things while "regulations" can permit them. These are inequities in the laws, the rules, the regulations.

The heroes of our labor movement were unions. But overtime, they became more political and went too far in one direction on benefits and work rules but didn't go far enough on job protection by standing up against massive immigration and the government allowing it, so the unions that did so much for our country and all of our workers whether members or not, have slipped, they've fallen afar and well, they need to get back on track. They need to dump the Democrats and get with Trump to secure our borders, remove illegal aliens from this country, and significantly reduce legal immigration. They need to fight for the jobs of American Workers and stand up against the foreign influences stealing them right out from under them.

It's just another Irony and Opposite that has no explanation other than .... somebody is on the take with the cartels behind illegal immigration. There is no moral, social reason for American Labor Unions to be welcoming illegal aliens and excess immigrants. NONE. So now you look for the illegal reason, and that takes you straight to the cartels.