I Have been a police officer in TX for the last 11 years. I believe in the rule of law,and enforcing it with no exceptions. I have no sympathy for law breakers only victims. Over the last 11 years i have heard many excuses for breaking the law and none of them have ever held up in court. Now here is the simple plain truth illegal is illegal it is agians the law,i dont care how long you been here. How will you speak english. How much free education you have recieved. None of it makes a difference. Bottom line is if your illegal then you need to pay for your crimes just like everybody else has to. We are a nation of laws and the laws say if you break it then you pay. If you cant do the time dont do the crime there is no exception. I have arrested numerous illegal aliens and i have thrown the book at every one of them. As long as i am a Tx police officer i will continue to enforce the law. Every illegal alien i detain and get deported i will consider a small victory for my part. The best part of my job is i can set back and smile while all the bleeding heart librals raise hell becuase i know as long as I follow the law I will always be right. I also now if they raise to much hell i can throw them in jail with the illegal alien for disturbing the peace. As for the brilliant kid who has recieved a free education from the tax payers. Well lets just say he is stilla criminal and he should be made to pay resitution. We have poor people, elderly, sick hungry children living in the streets who are legal citizens. They need all the help we can give them and they should be helped first and formost before any illegal aliens recieves any benefit from this government.No illegal alien should recieve any scholarship as long as there is homeless legal citizens needing help first.