That Gives you an Idea where this administration stands when it comes to the Illegal Aliens Problem. When a High ranking member and some may call him the Policy Maker for this administration speak at an annual Meeting of a Pro Hispanic illegal alien organization called the Race giving them more lobbying and political power.
First I hope all of you Know what is this organization is all about. You can tell from its name "La Raza" Means the Race, But which race? The Hispanic race of course. Can You imagine if a white group called itself the Race!! hell will break loose, they may even be banned.
This organization like many others was behind the pro-illegal Aliens marches last April and May in Many cities, demanding more rights for people who broke the law entering our country and has been using its resources from Education and Hospitalizations to food stamps and Subsidized Housing, But I guess all that was not enough, They demanded more. Instead of thanking the American People (of all races and ethnicity) for Their Hospitality they marched in the thousands demanding more and More and calling anybody that Object a Racist. Of course some coward sell out Politicians tried to Justify those acts by reminding us that we are a nation of immigrants. What they did not mention Is that we are a nation of Legal Immigrants which is a great thing but does not satisfy their Hidden Agendas.
Among The speakers at this La Raza Conference is Antonio Villaraigosa Los Angeles Mayor and Former "Mecha" Member which is a Radical Racist Hispanic Group, he spoke to the marching Pro Illegals crowds supporting them officially as a Mayor of Los Angeles and welcoming them to the City of Los Angeles. Another Speaker will be Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria Molina who supported Publicly The May 1st business boycott by illegal Aliens and Proposed that The state of California Publicly Support Them. Also Former President Bill Clinton will be speaking.

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