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  1. #11
    Senior Member JuniusJnr's Avatar
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    Well, Steve, it is defetist attitudes like yours that keep the Democrats and Republicans running the show.

    I prefer to at least try and if it costs me personally a couple hundred bucks to know that I tried, I'm willing to risk it.

    We are taking about one state, not a nation here. And more than half the Texans don't vote these days because they are too disillusioned with the crooks running the show for the past 40 years.

    What would happen if we could shine a light on someone who isn't a crook? Like I say, I'm willing to risk it. And I'm aware of other people who are willing to try as well.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member Steve's Avatar
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    You do a disservice to the readers here to label rational thought based on solid experience as a "defeatest attitude."

    I don't have a defeatest attitude... I've been paid to give an unbiased view of political contests.....of which my conclusions have been 99.9% correct.

    Why do you have so much hope for that 00.1% chance of victory? Why not change your strategy and adapt to the 99.9% that win?

    If you need heart surgery who will you choose to perform the operation?
    A) 1st year med student?
    B) Heart surgeon with experience?

    My guess is that you will go with the surgeon---who's got experience--not the guy/woman still wet behind the ears--and doesn't have the training to perform the surgery.

    Stop believing in the Disneyland campaign ending!!! You don't win elections by implementing a loosing strategy with unknown, poor, amateurish candidates!!!

    Your type of thinking will DEFEAT this movement. La Raza is counting on you to keep wasting time, energy, money on candidates who don't have a chance in hell of winning.

    This isn't the's real life.

    There is no quick solution! Like any profession, political candidates must be trained to win. That's why you have to get supporters to run for lower level offices to get them prepared to run for more important positions. Right now, were just grasping at straws.... Even Trancredo may not be able to win his state's US Senate seat....yet you hope a virtual unknown from Texas can? Doesn't this sound unreasonable to you?

    And if you think you can raise $10 million.... Try raising just $100,000 for ALIPAC.

    (It's not so easy is it when you go from a hypothetical situation to actually having to produce a result--is it?)

    Talk is cheap. When people/voters have to put their money where their mouth is....everyone hides or claims poverty! That's why candidates rely so heavily on lobbyist PAC money.
    Ohio Jobs & Justice PAC

  3. #13
    Senior Member JuniusJnr's Avatar
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    Why do you have so much hope for that 00.1% chance of victory? Why not change your strategy and adapt to the 99.9% that win?
    Why do you want the same crooks re-elected? Why do you think that after all these years either of the two major parties are going to do anything differentif we give them another chance? That is ridiculous. I'd rather take that .01% than lay down and give up everything.

    When in the last 40 years have you felt like you were voting for someone who belonged in office? It is a rare thing. Most of the time, two or more unqualified candidates run for a political office and one of the unqualified and half the time uninterested parties gets elected.

    And I do feel that your attitude is defeatist. What would you have us do? Keep the lesser of two evils votes going or stop voting at all? I definitely won't be voting for a Republican or a Democrat unless the likes of Tom Tancredo himself is the candidate, you can be sure of that.

    We have Kay Baily Hutchison now. What has she done to stop illegal immigration? She either voted against us or abstained altogether. We have John Cornyn. Same thing. So why would I want either of those people. And if we vote in Democrats whose bleeding hearts will continue to feed, clothe and house illegal immigrants while the middle class goes broke, what will we have gained?

    I think you are the one whose doing the people on these boards a disservice by telling them that, in effect, nobody's vote means a damn thing because the seats are already bought and paid for so why not just go with the flow.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member Steve's Avatar
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    PLEASE RE-READ MY POST! (Where did I day we should re-elect the same crooks? )

    The problem is that you may read but don't comprehend or are so attached to your ideas you just can't accept facts to the contrary.

    As I have said many times in the past--as W will likely attest (and probably agree), you've got to work from the inside of the parties to change the parties. If you ever participated in politics for as long as I have, you would understand. If your an amature, you probably won't, and this is sort of a senseless conversation.

    Briefly: If you take over the party organizations, you basically control the candidate pool...therefore you advance good candidates and stop bad candidates. That's as simple as I can say it. (Accomplishing this is possible but not quick and will take 10%inspiration/90%perspiration.)

    And yes--you will probably have to live with the politicans you have now because you and your neigbors failed to take political action 40 years ago. We all pay for our mistakes---don't we. Defeating incumbents is not easy and when all candidates support illegals---you're out of luck. That's why you have to get your own candidates through the 2 party system.

    So if you don't like your councilman, mayor, run against them....get your feet wet politically. Then you will begin to understand what "Steve" was writing about.

    Just remember La Raza is kicking our butts nearly every day--because they have been working at it longer and are darn good at it. While Americans were sitting on their rear-ends watching Dukes of Hazzard and the Wheel of Fortune their supporters were pouring over the border, organizing and raising funds.

    Poping off here doesn't accomplish anything....again, I challenge you to raise $100,000 for ALIPAC with your fundraising plan for raising
    $10 million.

    Do you accept the challenge? I'm sure W would be very happy if you can back your words with action.
    Ohio Jobs & Justice PAC

  5. #15
    Senior Member JuniusJnr's Avatar
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    As I have said many times in the past--as W will likely attest (and probably agree), you've got to work from the inside of the parties to change the parties. If you ever participated in politics for as long as I have, you would understand. If your an amature, you probably won't, and this is sort of a senseless conversation.
    I read your post. I just happen to disagree with it.

    Perhaps it isn't us stupid people who "haven't participated in politics for as long as you have" (whatever that means) are wrong. Perhaps it is the people like you-- the guys who think you can only work from within the major political parties and expect to change anything. Seems like you have failed miserably thus far yet you refuse to see that changes can't be made by taking up new and better banners if nobody bothers to try.

    I don't plan to live in Texas for any longer than I have to so I don't see any point in me running for any political office here. The only obligation I feel I have to this place is as an American citizen performing the civic duty of voting. I'd like to know I didn't waste my vote on a woman who I know has little regard for her fellow Americans and who will do everything she can to give this state and the entire southwestern third of this country away.

    Read my post. I don't think the Democrats can find a decent candidate, and I know the Republicans can't find a decent candidate to fill the seat I want vacated by Hutchison. If they are going to run her again, it won't do any good to go work from within, will it? And that is already determined. Further the fifteen or twenty people who are paying for her to be nominated are no better in my eyes than she is and I don't want them running this state, either. Look what they have done so far. And the fifteen or twenty people who are paying to have the Democrat's candidate put on the ballot are even less in my eyes because they don't seem to have sense enough to know that you can't continue to expect middle class USA to financially support the world's downtrodden forever.

    It irks me to hear people who claim anyone who votes for a third party is throwing their vote away. It irks me when people insist that it can't be done because it never has been done. I haven't seen anyone actually TRY yet. There is always a first time. I'd like to see it happen in 2006. I'm not alone in that wish, I can assure you.

    And if you are so smart why don't you raise 100 grand for ALIPAC? You're the one who brought it up.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member JuniusJnr's Avatar
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    Just remember La Raza is kicking our butts nearly every day--because they have been working at it longer and are darn good at it. While Americans were sitting on their rear-ends watching Dukes of Hazzard and the Wheel of Fortune their supporters were pouring over the border, organizing and raising funds.
    And because of this and because Hutchison is helping them by her refusal to vote for the bills that could stop them, I'm supposed to not back a guy who will fight against them with us? This makes little to no sense to me.
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  7. #17
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    I AGREE WITH YOU 100%, JJ. Before this administration WRECKED our country, I would have given some credence to what Steve has said but the American people are FED UP with PARTY POLITICS and my FIRM BELIEF is that a third-party candidate FINALLY had a fighting chance. I am loath to cite Howard Dean but, for the purposes of this argument, I will do so. Look how much money he was able to raise via the internet and a GRASSROOTS effort for CHANGE. His views were too radical and the political machine--THE CORRUPT POLITICAL MACHINE--defeated him in the end but THINGS ARE DIFFERENT TODAY than they were 2 years ago.

    We might be AMATEURS and we might be POPPING off but I believe OUR TIME HAS COME.

  8. #18
    Senior Member JuniusJnr's Avatar
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    I added another post last night when I discovered that Carole Strayhorn has jumped into the ring against TX governor Rick Perry(R) as an Independent. This is exciting news! Even the politicians can see that you can't fix a system so corrupt from within.
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  9. #19

    Join Date
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    Ok, now in my own defense

    Steve; you do not know me and some of things you might have said may hold true about my chances, due to the fact, the status quo. Yeah let’s keep paying everyone to lie and manipulate people so they vote and support you (paid for consultation). Maybe I may be a little hopeful that I win and actually get a chance to fight for the fine people of this country (American Citizens). Maybe I am not a professional politician. Yeah, like we need more of them. But, and that is a big but, I am willing to put my, time energy and my money behind this. I take it that you have not seen my site. I do not want anyone sending money, just want help. Remember word of mouth is still the best sales tool. How many people can you bring to the table?

    Also as for La Raza, they keep winning battles because a lot people gave in to what we call the norm. That if anything, is what gets me depressed. That people are not willing to sacrifice for their country. I went to Falfurrias and a lot of people thought it fruitless. Even more did not. I did not; it is a lot better than just sitting there and doing nothing. No, I did not win any battles, but like that stone thrown in the water, maybe I helped start a ripple that will keep going.

    I want to win because we need different people in office, which will listen to the American Citizens they should be representing. Yes I have long row to hoe. Yes, some will think of me as "a wacko" as you say. I may then be in good company; Tom Tancredo has been label a nut by some. But it is my row to hoe. With God willing I will get the help I need for all of us. So don't worry about me, just keep thinking the same way as you are, and let the rest of us take a chance on changing things. I am asking people for support not buying it or forcing them.

    I would like to know one answer: Why if it only takes support and votes to get into office, why do we need to spend so much money to get the votes?

    I will keep trying and I will not go quietly. Keep voting for what is put on your plate in front of you and soon you will be finding out that your just eating leftovers.

    Voting for the lesser of the evils, is still voting for evil.

    Voting for a third party is not wasting your vote. You’re just ahead of the curve.

  10. #20
    Senior Member JuniusJnr's Avatar
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    Welcome 50CALMCDC! I'm delighted to see you here!

    Thank you for your meaningful statement.

    We supported Jim Gilchrist who got into the race on the spur of the moment out in CA when his congressman bailed for whatever reason. He got 25% of the vote. That was an awesome showing.

    People are even MORE angry now with the way things are going. I know we can make a difference by putting decent people in office if we just work at it.

    I'm thrilled that Texas now has two on the ballot that I can personally vote for in 2006. I'm hoping for three. And I intend to work hard to make this particular American dream reality: get the rouges out of our government.

    The way things look, some may have taken themselves out by taking bribes. Abramoff appears to have turned into quite a song bird!
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