Article 1 turned against us.

Government now claims it has the right under this amendment to govern regulate "ANYTHING" where a monetary exchange takes place. Even if you are on an operating table...they have the "legal" right (in their interpretation) to over see the doctor and the operation...or to put in place an organization to over see it.

Lets look back. In the old days men moved around looking for natural opportunity or of conquest and exploitation. People got tired of being killed and their stuff taken so they started civilization. Then guys got to dig around in the ground, grow stuff to live and sell, build stuff, buy and sell, invent for sale or barter. It was a good system.

Then...government came in and with Article 1 they now have made it illegal to do absolutely anything that is not done under their guide lines and the proper licenses, taxes and fees paid.

We are no longer a free nation. And we are no longer able to use entrepreneurial genius or natural rights to survive.

Congress has usurped our constitution to destroy the USA and our system of free enterprise. Welcome to the New World Order.