Im a liberal. I consider American worker replacement programs to be anti citizen. In the last week or so I see this discussion board incorporating conservative ideologies including religion.

I live in the District right next to Tom Tancredo. While I would work diligently for and with him on imigration and visa programs. we do not agree on much else.
Im pro choice
Enviornmentally active
anti war.
Pro UN
Don't mind Government involved in issues to bring about change.
If you want to see what lazie faire can do to a state and metro area look what Colorado republicans have done here. Constant budget problems and the fastest growing illegal population in the nation. Now the dems rule the legislature and they suck.

Dont like people sticking their religion in my politics.

If this is a conservative think tank then Im in the wrong place.
If you want to work to deal with american worker replacement issues Im your boy.