Another McMasters leaker innuendo...
BOOM! Report=> McMaster Caught Privately Communicating WH Internal Politics to Deep State McCabe

Cristina Laila Jul 28th, 2017 6:51 pm 385 Comments
Sara Carter of Circa News is reporting that sources are telling her that NatSec Advisor, H.R. McMaster has been communicating White House internal politics to Deep State Acting FBI Director Andy McCabe. Carter then implied that more White House shake-ups are perhaps on the horizon.

The Trump base will be happy to hear this.
Investigative reporter Mike Cernovich wrote McMaster’s time is running out. Cernovich has been reporting for months that McMaster is on the globalist’s agenda and secretly working against President Trump’s ‘America First’ plans.

McCabe is the swamp!
As TGP previously reported, Comey’s replacement as Acting FBI Head, Andrew McCabe, has ties to the Hillary Clinton campaign. Left Wing online publication, Newsweek, is reported:
concerns came after revelations by media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, that a political action committee affiliated with Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, who has ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, contributed almost $500,000 to the 2015 Virginia state Senate campaign of McCabe’s wife, Jill McCabe. (She lost the election.) She also received $207,788 from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is connected to McAuliffe, a Democrat.
Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe is also being investigated by the Office of U.S. Counsel violating the Hatch Act according to a new report by Circa News.

The Hatch Act prohibits FBI agents from campaigning in partisan races. Photos of McCabe campaigning for his wife raised questions about McCabe’s compliance with the law.