Hello everybody,
I am desperate and need an advise, perhaps someone here has experience about my current situation and can answer me.

I married overseas, it has been 2.6 years now. My husband is getting his visa to join me in USA. He states that the embassy in Pakistan is sending him his passport back with USA visa this coming week. Thing is during our last conversations (3 days or so) His only topic is to come here get a job to save money in order to continue with his Immigration case, as far as I understand he just needs to get his permanent residence here as our marriage is over 2 years now. It is not conversation about planning where to work, how much he needs to pay while living in my brother's house. I am currently in disability due to a heart transplant, when I mentioned to my husband that once he comes here and starts working I will be losing my Medicaid, he showed not concern and just told me "do not tell them when I get there" I told him I could not do that. When I mentioned to him that at the beginning it is going to be hard and that most likely he will work 2 jobs right away he said "16 hours, oh I do not want to work as a donkey and I will need to rest.." This is something he would never say before. I do not know how to explain but I am in shock for the way he replied me and furthermore he wont bring money with him as he has been telling me, expecting me to "arrange money" for his Immigration case. Please someone tell me if I can call up Immigration so they can send him back even from the airport? I am afraid to think that Immigration would not consider my words and just think that I am getting worried for not reason. Advise please!