Q: What would you do with the 12 million to 15 million illegal immigrants already here?

A: Not one nationally known group is for rounding up illegal immigrants. That's just something that's used against us: "You guys want to round them up." America's not for rounding them up; neither are we for rounding them up. ... Right now, approximately 350,000 illegal immigrants go home on their own -- they just go home. They've been here long enough. They want to see their folks. Whatever it is, they want to go home. If we secure our border, and then if we did nothing else, 350,000 illegals a year would go home. There's another 150,000 who would come off the number of illegals -- some 50,000 to 70,000 become legal, some die, etc. OK, so there you have it: We'd be reducing the number of illegal immigrants every year, naturally.

http://pittsburghlive.com/x/tribune-rev ... 29640.html

Is she for real???? We have been on street corners with signs that say DEPORT ILLEGAL ALIENS for years. I see pictures of protests all over the country with people holding signs that say DEPORT ILLEGAL ALIENS. People form other groups call me and ask if they can borrow our DEPORT ILLEGAL ALIENS signs. As far as wanting to go home and see their folks.. BULL!! The illegal alien invaders have told some of my associates to their face that they will bring the rest of their family here and DRIVE YOU OUT OF TOWN!!!!Perhaps by "national group" she means cocktail party commandos that do experience the reality of the illegal alien invasion on a daily basis and do not want to see an end to this problem because then they would be out of business or perhaps by national group she means national groups that are really republican operatives to contain and castrate the movement so as to keep everyone voting republican no matter what.