How many Mexicans can leave Mexico itself before Mexico is no longer considered a sovereign country? 40%? 50%?

Why does our government treat Vincente Fox like he is the legitimate leader of his country when he is in fact invading ours? Why do even Republican leaders "ass kiss" this sorry-ass terrorist excuse of a president who has got to considered one of the worst enemies our country has ever had?

Are we going to have to invade part of Mexico in order to create a "corridor" to return illegal Mexico citizens back to their homeland? Are we going to have to create a demilitarized zone so that resettled immigrants can be protected from their own Mexican government? Why haven't we invaded Mexico already? Why is the United Nations always "for" Mexico, but "against" the US and always has their greedy paws out to the US and not Mexico for more Kofi Annan "spending" money?

How can anyone not think of these things without their blood boiling?