The other day I'm assigned a pt -- a 65 y.o. or older woman from Ethiopia. Obviously did not "grow up" a U.S. citizen. She was the neediest, most mentally pathetic individual I've ever seen. Doctors just coddled this idiot while she feigned "chest pain" right before discharge to earn herself another night's stay on our floor. Her diagnosis was psychosis NOS -- in other words: NUTS.

And that wasn't all. All the while she's faking her chest pain, she's kicking us nurses, crying, DEMANDING to know why she couldn't see "her" private doctor -- the one she was comfortable with. I mean -- what the HELL are we doing cowtowing to these people??? Has American gone mad?? Her family members were also squatting, all squabbling loudly in their own language, in the room demanding one thing after another, demanding that I get her discharged ASAP because they had to get to work.

Guess what -- this is who is STEALING our social security and Medicaid funds - right NOW, right under our noses. And doctors are aiding and abetting it -- many of them also from the same countries these patients are from. I just find it so nauseating some days I can barely stand it. These thieves KNOW how to work the system.

Meanwhile, I see reports of Americans who line up for health care services, who have no insurance, who are denied care over and over -- and I am sickened.

I can just no longer even listen to this whining over universal health care. We have it NOW -- just not for Americans. By the time we vote it in, there will be no funds left!!

While welfare benefits being handed out is a travesty, THIS sort of thing going on in our hospitals has to be costing MILLIONS per day. So, people who've never lived her, NEVER contributed in any way to the taxpayer base, probably don't give two hoots about America -- are HERE. They're HERE to be taken care of, to be "served" almost. I just don't know how we are letting it happen.