I have some concerns about Real ID. My main concern is something I do not see in any of your posts.... Please point it out to me if I have missed it.

Are any of you familiar with FRT Facial Recognition Technology?

It's not retinal scans or fingerprints that I'm concerned about. You know when someone wants your ret scan or fingerprints. You have to submit to being scanned.

FRT does not require you to submit to a scan. FRT is already being incorporated at 14 state DMV's including NC. My concern is that the real ID act is a way for them to require that all Americans are in the FRT biometric database.

Here is a simplified description of the system they are already setting up.

1. When your photo is taken it must be digital. Analog photos that are scanned into digitial formats are less effective than digital originals.

2. When the photo is taken, like on your passport you are asked not to smile so the software can work on your image. The software analyses 87 measurements of your facial features and then runs the data through an equation that spits a long number out on the other side.

This number is you, your face, your ID. Your ID can be checked without a card. Your ID can be checked without you being asked to provide it. Your ID is your face and the only way to discard your ID is with plastic surgery.

When you walk past a camera in an airport, trains station, government building, or any place they expand the FRT biometric system your face can be scanned again by the cameras to produce a number that is compared to the homeland security database.

This brings up some very serious questions since the average American is on camera hundreds of times per day.

This system was field tested in 99 at the super bowl, now known as Snooper Bowl. Every person that attended the event was scanned to test the system. The feds say they picked up several people with outstanding warrants but took no action.

Public outcry was pushing the technology back till after 9/11 when they started putting it up in lots of places.

Has anyone else here heard about this technology and its history? Does anyone else here have a concern about your face being your ID or your face being turned into a number that computers can read instead of human operators? I want everyone's opinions out in the open on this one folks.

How would you feel if they pass the Real ID act and then pass a Guest Worker program too and the guest workers got to have their Real ID's?