Sunday 10th September, 2006

Cubans in U.S. less fearful on immigration

Big News Friday 25th August, 2006 (UPI)

Cuban-Americans are less likely than other Hispanics to see the immigration debate as heightening discrimination, the Washington-based Pew Hispanic Center said.

In a report released Friday, the center said its 2006 National Survey of Latinos, found that 45 percent of self-described Cubans said discrimination against Hispanics was a major problem. That compares to 65 percent of Central and South Americans in the United States, 59 percent of Puerto Ricans and 58 percent of Mexicans, the center said.

Politically, the Cuban vote is hardly a bloc: 28 percent of those asked said they were Republicans, 20 percent Democrats and 27 independent.

Looking at data from the 2004 America Community Survey, the center said 25 percent of Cubans 25 and older have a college degree, about double the rate of the overall Hispanic population in the United States; and some 49 percent are high school graduates, which is about the same as the general Hispanic population (47 percent).

The Pew Hispanic Center said there are some 1.5 million people who call themselves Cubans living in the United States. Nearly 1 million of them live in Florida.