As predicted I was alone today. look at the bottom for things I noticed today.

11am: I arrive at the corner of Shadybrook and Park. Alone and with my trusty "Deport Illegals" sign which is the same one I have used since the 'Mega Marcha'.

I setup my protest at the corner on the sidewalk and watch as the near by day laborers and local hispanics begin to notice my pressence.

11:45 I am still alone, however, A friend has agreed to come join me. Our apartment complex is a few blocks away. By this point I have been told that I am no longer in America and that I will be beheaded if I stay too long

11:50 A hispanic man stops and says "Mucho Mexicans". Confused I tell him that I am an American and he says "no no, me legal papers. mucho mexicans no papers. mucho mexicans hurt you"

Shocked that a LEGAL immigrant who spoke broken english stopped to offer advice for me to be careful I decided I needed to thank him. I reached out and shook his hand and thanked him for coming here legally. I also told him that there are churches that offer free english classes. He responded "I know" then he walked off.

12:00 Cops, my friend, and 4 young hispanics appraoched me all at teh same time. The cop pulled into the parking lot behind me, my friend came and stood next to me and the four young hispanic men got in my face over the sign. After they circled us they moved to a nearby corner noticing the cop in behind me.

The cop called me and my friend over and asked me what I was doing. Apparently someone had called saying I was on apartment complex property, when in actuality I was across the street. The cop took my sign and said that I could not hold it while he was talking to me, in taking it he tore it a little and threatened to tear it more (his squad car number is 5124 Dallas Police P.D.). I informed him that he was violating my freedom of speech and he told me that he did not care.

He and another officer who just arrived then asked for my I.D. and my friends ID, we both agreed, but I asked why they did not ask for the id of the four youngmen hovering over us which they were warning us would probably attack us. They told me they could ask for our I.D. because someone called in a complaint.

I then asked if I complained about the day laborers if they could come check their i.d.'s and they said "no, that's immigrations job". They told me to quit getting an attitude with them and continued talking and the young hispanic men who had been waiting for the police to move went back across the street to the parking lot of the apartment complex and stood watching. The police continued to persuade me to leave and I told them "A man never backs down in the face of adversity, especially when he believes in something that is right and just."

The police left and as soon as they were out of sight the youngmen across the street began to move towards us. I flipped out my RZER phone and snapped a pic (came out poorly). That angered the short hispanic male who seemd to be their leader. He charged me with his three friends behind him and attacked my sign yelling "What the f*** are you taking pictures for" he then swung and my friend and I were engaged in a 2 vs. 4 fight.

Suddenly the corner exploded into life as locals began pouring out of their apartments and stores to watch. The fight lasted only a minute and ended with me gettng a jammed thumb and them tearing my sign the rest of the way and running off. A taxi which was stopped at the steetlight began honking and pulled in next to me. He jumped out with a baseball bat and asked if we needed help, the young hispanic men had already begun fleeing. To my amazement this taxi driver was hispanic as well. He told us to be careful and left as my friend was calling the police.

I arose, a victorious man, for I had fought off their minions and made them flee. As loud as I could I bellowed "This is why I am here, this is America not some third world county. Here I stand in my country excercising my freedom of speech, but those who do not want me to speak have tried to silence me. I WILL NOT BACK DOWN! This is your country America, it is time to take it back."

It was then the same two police officers pulled in (they hadn't gotten far) and asked if we would like to file a report. Of course we want to. The officer in car #5124 began taking the report while I told them exactly where the young assailants had fled. After a few minutes of proding the other officer drove into the complex looking for the assailants. It was then that three young hispanic men emerged from the same complex, it looked as though it was them from across the streets. I told the officer that it was them and he told me "I need to do my report first". Remember these cops were both there and saw the same guys, but needed me to describe them before going after them.

Finally I convince the officer to track down the short one. The three had split off in different directions. It was then another friend pulled in. I began my speech again, but my friend behind me began yelling "spics" and "mexicans go home" I quickly silenced him because I do not believe in racial slurs nor is this a racial issue, but it was too late. A man across the street was on his cell phone and told us to leave or he would shoot us, he flashed a gun handle and we left the area.

As I left the area some hispanics were yelling "Go Mexico", "Viva Mexico" and "Mexico Wins"

1:15pm I return home with no scratches, a hurt thumb and the pride that I stood up for what I believe in.

Things I noticed today:
The black community is growing tired of illegal aliens and are ready to start helping, please begin reaching out to them to join our cause. I had many stop and thank me, even on in a blinged out car with nice rims took the time to roll down his window and tell me "alright that's what I'm talking about, keep it up brotha"

Many hispanics are tired of being lumped in with illegal aliens are their numbers are growing. Including the legal immigrant who stopped to warn me to becareful I had around 15 honk and give me thumbs up as well as yelling "kick them out"

Many hispanic families DO NOT use car seats. I did not see one young child in a car seat, this is not just illegal it is highly unsafe for those children.

Day laborers disappeared into stores until the fight broke out. Showing presence works.

Dallas police are highly ineffective and unwilling to help someone standing up against illegal immigration. After more talks with these police officers I found that they believe in cracking down, but that the city looks down on them if they approach day laborers or people they believe to be working illegally unless there is an extremely valid reason (murder investigation etc..) They both expressed hope that other cities would do what Farmers Branch is doing and asked that I begin talking to other municipalities in the area to get them to do this.

Many believe they can bully their way into what they want. Those youngmen thought that by taking my sign that they won and silenced me, when in fact they made this much more vocal. DO NOT BE AFRAID AMERICA! WE WILL WIN!