Defending America: Do Republicans no Longer Care?

As a recovering liberal, I thought I had stopped beating myself up when I registered Republican.

After all, the GOP is the party of strong defense, lower taxes, small government, and respect for America and it symbols.

GOP----The party that celebrates America’s greatness and sovereignty.

So I thought.

Little by little, America’s alleged war on terror President, George W Bush, and my adopted GOP family began chipping away at my devotion.

My devotion to the GOP, but not my loyalty to America, the Beautiful.

Reckless spending, soaring trade imbalances and overall failed fiduciary stewardship of US taxpayer money started to erode the “conservative” image of Republicans in the White House and Congress.

Nevertheless, we were fighting the most dangerous war in history against a billion or so wackos led by Islamic extremists intent on taking civilization back to the seventh century.

So we gave Republicans a pass because they still seemed less anti-American than Democrats. If Democrats were in power, one reasoned, there would be a white flag flying at the White House, signifying surrender to Osama bin Laden and Islamofascisim.

Better to grin and bear Bush et al, knowing “This too shall pass.”

But then came PortGate and the unbelievable attempt to sell management of US port security without adequate thought or regard for homeland security.

And now, egged on by our RINO president and key RINO senators, America may end up sacrificing American sovereignty and independence, as well as homeland security, on the altar of cheap labor.

It is now abundantly clear that the greatest priority of moderate and liberal Republicans is to assure an uninterrupted supply of slave labor from the third world.

Republican senators and the president no longer even pretend to care about American language, culture and borders.

The “Rule of Law” is being supplanted by the “Rule of Gold.”

If the abomination passed by the senate on May 25, or any bill with amnesty, is signed into law, I will never---NEVER---again vote for any Republican.

That means NO REPUBLICAN...... at any level!

I am hardly alone in my revulsion and revolt.

If Bush signs amnesty legislation, he will begin 2007 with a Democrat House and perhaps a similarily brain-dead senate.

That configuration, by the way, would include votes casts by yours truly for California Democrats.

Mind you, I have avoided such electoral malfeasance for a long while, proudly calling myself 'clean and sober' since voting for Slick Willy in 1992.

But the sight of GW Bush signing amnesty legislation, surrounded by beaming wackos like John McCain, Bill Frist, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, and Nancy Pelosi would be too much. Relapse would be inevitable.

Before foolishly signing a bill to essentially turn America over to Mexico, GW Bush needs to consider the following: If Democrats conquer Congress in January 2007, the first and greatest national priority will be the impeachment of GW Bush.

And if GW Bush signs an amnesty bill, this voter will root enthusiastically for the impeachment and removal of GW Bush.

Republicans still have time to do the right thing----but do they have the guts?

John W Lillpop is a Recovering Liberal....and Revolting Conservative!