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Thread: Domestic Tranquility Is Quiet And So Is Death

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    Domestic Tranquility Is Quiet And So Is Death

    In Ferguson Missouri since Aug there have been on going tensions and sporadic violence over one black man killed by a white policeman. In Hong Kong since September there have been endless mass street protests for democracy in which there were incidents of violence.

    In the United States—the sound of crickets. Despite the greatest provocations, despite the heavy burden illegal aliens have placed on our country, despite our borders and with them our sovereignty being dissolved, U.S. citizenship rendered almost meaningless, despite the thousands of citizens who have been raped, murdered, robbed, kidnapped, children molested, drugs and gang violence as whole neighborhoods are transformed and made dangerous, identities stolen, jobs lost, free health care for illegal aliens that we pay for, free education for them that we pay for, money sucked out of our economy and exported to foreign nations, the disruption of our culture and the very composition of the American population artificially and massively changed, in spite of endless provocations there is complacency. Where are the riots, the massive street demonstrations, the disruption of our society, the peaceful non violent civil disobedience? Crickets. Americais in a downward death spiral into tyranny and still there is no tenacious resistance to it, not really, not even from most big mouthed, chest beating patriots.

    I am not proposing violence, merely pointing out how in the “land of the free” despotism is taking over without resistance appropriate to the crisis. In the Ukraine, a land without America’s flaunted tradition of “freedom,” the people fought against a corrupt government with a passion that is never seen from patriots here. And the protesters won.

    Shame on us, on all of those who talk big and act small because we, who know better, are allowing itto happen, because in the “land of the free” the enemies of freedom have passion and the defenders of freedom have no stomach for a real fight. There are millions of us who, united, could stop it cold tomorrow. We remain fragmented, afraid and lazy thus it continues. That is the most painful truth of all.

    This Spring retired Army Col. Harry Riley tried to organizea mass demonstration in Washington D.C. for the purpose of demanding Obama and others in his junta resign and permanently leave Washington. It was supposed to be huge and continuous until Obama and his thugs were drive out of office. It was a big bust. Had Col. Riley gotten what he wanted, Obama would not be in office today flooding the country with illegal aliens and acting like a banana republic dictator. But, except for a few, conservatives sat and did nothing. There were rumors that Riley’s protest would become violent and so-called conservative blogs carried predictions of horror. The faint hearted help spread the rumors (many of which I think may have been planted by leftist agent provocateurs). Glen Beck openly sabotaged Riley’s efforts, basically telling his listeners it could be dangerous. A reporter from Beck’s, The Blaze, covering the event ridiculed the low turnout. Beck and his ilk are an embarrassment and a burden. Fox News and Rush Lombaugh were silent. The only major radio talk show host that promoted it was Michael Savage. At the time of Riley’s protest, I posted some harsh criticism about the tepid, nearly non existent support from conservatives, and I was attacked with more passion than many so-called activists have shown against Obama. It was poorly organized; but even so he should have gotten a huge spontaneous turnout of several thousand, if patriots were truly committed to fighting the Marxist Obama. Riley did get a few thousand. Of course, there was no violence not even aggressive behavior. No major conservative organization has ever proposed using violence.

    Mark Zuckerberger with his creepy, geekey computer people are constantly sabotaging conservatives’ communication and organizing efforts. Where are the mass protests outside Facebook headquarters? Where are the mass boycotts? Where are the angry protests in front of businesses that hire illegal aliens? Why are there not at least 100,000 patriots on the border, right up on the line where there are only a few strands of barbed wire, right up on the river bank with megaphones blasting messages in Spanish telling aliens to, “Stay out of our home.” Force the border patrol or police to chase them away. Let the world see the rotten mess of our government keeping the door open by using law enforcement officers to interfere with its own citizens trying to defend their homes, force the government to expose its dirty little secret that it does not want to control the border. Make it open and visible. And return the next day at a new location and do it over and over again.

    There are many wonderful exceptions; it is painful for me tosay this, but in mass conservatives are lazy sissies. They have no stomach for a real fight. No passion to engage in the bare knuckles street brawl (metaphorically) necessary to defeat a fanatic Marxist like Obama, and lazy, they only want to play a little with politics, and stingy doling out a few pennies to political organizations yet they willing spend dollars at a Chinese restaurant.

    If we are to have any chance of survival, conservatives have got to “grow a pair.” man up, fight like unleashed fury, fight to exhaustionand give money until it hurts. The hour is late, and we are loosing fast. Conservatives have to ask themselves, do they want to be free, or momentarily comfortable?

    As Andrew Breitbart advised us, “Walk toward the fire.”
    Last edited by csarbww; 11-22-2014 at 04:11 PM.

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