Something someone said in another thread really hit home to me. Someone I know was laid off from his job in early 2007. He had a good job and he tried with everything in him to find a new job. His background is IT and with a connection to the housing market, and at one point he was offered a job and in the process of getting back to them to accept the position the company went into a hiring freeze!! It happened within two days.

Well, he tried to get other jobs, but he was told he was over qualified or under qualified. Then he had to try to get lesser jobs, he was more than willing to do whatever it took to feed his family and keep a roof over their head, he found even that nearly impossible because illegal aliens had them.

What will happen if the economy gets really bad and LOTS of Americans are out there in dire need of a job as he was?

I think this is something that needs to be looked at in a serious way. If the economy continues to be difficult, (and I believe that it is), so many Americans are going to be needing these jobs to sustain themselves and their families during these times.

If the illegal aliens were not here, I think people could get through hard times much more easily. It would open up jobs to Americans who are in need of at least SOME income.

This is all the more reason why our government MUST open up these jobs and make them available to the citizens of the U.S.. They just must, in my opinion.

They talk about illegal aliens "sob stories", well, I wonder how many Americans are having this same experience which this person had. I bet there are quite a lot and we're just not hearing about them.