My wife and I (and the three little ones) attended the LULAC sponsored protest as counterprotestors in Farmers Branch on Satruday, August 26. There was about 200 of them, and 20 of us. We drove about an hour and a half to get there. It was our first protest. I had never seen a bigger collection of hypocrites in my life.

They want to oust Councilman Tim O'Hare for his proposal to fine landlords and employers working with illegals and for trying to make English the main language. They arrived with their sound system and large American flag. Of course, they couldn't unfurl (sp.) it properly, allowing it to touch the ground. I had to run over to assist them. No matter how much I disagreed with them, I couldn't let them disrespect the flag, even if it was by accident. No Mexican flags were seen.

WE had no sound system. In fact, my wife and I had brought our American flag, and that was it. They started their business, almost immediately playing the race card. They made it sound like Tim O'Hare was some sort of Grand Dragon for the Farmers Branch KKK chapter. We were just as loud, and we could tell by their reaction that they heard us. We were called ignorant and racist. They called us "blancos ignorantes" or "ignorant whites" because we couldn't understand when they spoke in spanish. Unfortunately for the camera-hogging, LULAC-piece-of-dung that said that, my wife and I are both bilingual and started our chants in spanish. In another moment of brilliance, el gran jefe blurted that the hispanics were going to take over Farmers Branch. What an idiot!!! They of course also brought out children, old people, soldiers, and some loudmouth latino celeb to bash O'Hare.

At the end, they marched again. They shouted "Si, se puede!" or "Yes you can!" (please excuse the lack of an accent on the "i" in "Si"). (As a side note, my 3 year old daughter had heard their chant so much that she attempted to do the same. Her Spanish, though, needs some work, although it sounded appropriate. She chanted, "Si, se huele!" which means "yes, it stinks!") My wife and I followed them shouting "It's not racism; it's the law!" They tried to use the "One nation, Under God" line, so I responded, "God would want you to obey the law, wouldn't he?" What a great day it was to be a counterprotestor!

It is not racism; it's the law. It's not against latinos; it's against ANY illegal immigrant. Stop playing the old, tired card of racism. It doesn't work here. If you want to show you love this country, start by obeying its laws!!!