I just received a letter from the Catholic League with a letter about "Fed Up With Catholic Bashing". I could not resist the opportunity to express my disappointment in the Catholic Church, and hope that you will write them a letter too.

Here is the letter that I wrote:
I am a Christian myself, so I understand the importance of faith and prayer. I also have many of the same issues that you have, with society and our media. However, I do have issues with the Catholic Church . I am disappointed that children were being molested, and the Church knew about it, and did nothing. (Even if only 1% of priests were child molesters, look at how many that is, and then multiply that out by how many children they have harmed.) Honestly, even if it were only one child that got molested, I would still be furious, because that is one too many!! Did the people take a stand? Did the Clergy take a stand? Not really, and only when they were forced to.

I am angry that the Catholic Church is helping ILLEGAL immigrants who constantly break our laws by using STOLEN ID, fake documentation, they don't pay taxes, they bring in disease, and they use our welfare. Hospitals are declaring bankruptcy due to illegal immigration! The newspapers are filled with rapes and DUIs. Why would you assist criminals? I know that you don't care what the rest of us think, and that you won't do anything about it, but I want you to understand why people feel the way that they do.
