Quote Originally Posted by FreeRideIsOver
And who has to pay for their survival here?? Oh yah! Unemployed Americans Of course! Come on down! We've got more than enough social service $ , an endless amount of job opportunities, school student shortages, and plentiful free housing we know what to do with for the rest of the world! Y'all pack your bags ! Obama is even going to fly you, your friends, family, and pets on First class flights, and Oh! of course a welcome package complete with fraudulent Social Security cards in your choice of language! And don't worry, limo service to take you to your custom made habitat for humanity houses (furnished of course and 1 year of free rent to help you get on your feet as a head start to enjoy the American dream)! And don't forget, the American citizens will gladly forfeit our homes should habitate for humanity not be finished yet to you and yours to avoid being called RACISTS!!!! Sweeeeeeeet Deal!!!!!!!
lol. nice to read anothers thats almost as sick and tired of the bs, welcome.