Just got the following email...... Sorry if duplicate

America First2008

Tom Tancredo will be in NH on Saturday, January 27th. This will kick off
his campaign. There will be a convention of 500 NH Republicans and Tom
will introduce himself.

A rally will be held at 8:30 Saturday morning to kick-off Tom's
campaign. (Dress warmly, it is January and it is NH.) Following the
rally, Tancredo/immigration control advocates will hold a meeting to
plan how to advance immigration control and Tom's campaign in
New England.Tom should also meet with us and tell us his plans for
the coming campaign.

We are looking for a hotel/motel to stay at Friday evening, prior to
the rally. Plans are now being formulated as to times and places,
and we will keep you informed. Shelly Uscinski, NH State
Coordinator is making the arrangements.

Those interested in going, please send me an email. We can perhaps share
rides up to NH from the NY, NJ, CT areas.

Paul Streitz

Paid for by America First 2008