How come this site seems to be about racism? With titles like same old mexican crime? Why do you all sound racist and if your not racist why accept all the blatant racist statements. I mean if your americans then you should be used to differing colors and types and be proud of our big melting pot. First I should probably state my color and background in order to be credible right?
I am a second generation american of irish descent. I am proud to be an american and I am a union member. I live in phoenix so I have issues with some of the things this site seems to care about thats what brought me here but in all honesty america doesnt need racist hate mongers any more than illegal mexicans. I am against any other language being used by any goverment offices. I am for having one language used by the goverment as long as its english. I am all for peoples freedom in my opinion we need more freedom. I hate people that want to impose their ideas on others. Sure seal the borders I can live with that but not the idea of ending immigration. What right do we as a nation of immigrants have to say that immigration is not good. It brought us here and the nation is better off with us being here right. How can we do one thing and want another. Immigration is what america is about. The problem as I see it is we no longer provide to new americans classes to help them become americans. At one time the irish were the mexicans and if you think your a real american what about you is different from those you dislike. America has always had a group of people that felt entitled to hate the newcomers but they have always been wrong because of the fact they at one time came from another country and were disliked the same as these new americans.
By the way here in phoenix I recently went to a late night fast food joint called jack in the box and no one spoke english. Amazing and unacceptable in my opinion but so is the racism I am seeing here.