Here it is:

"I can't believe you not only support but are partially behind this abomination of a immigration reform bill. Im sure its hard for any of the Senators to see it from the middle class point of view but lets give it a try. I buy a house for 350,000 and pay 5,00 intaxes only to have the house next to me rented to 60+ illegals who overflow the sewer into the street. Does wonders for my property value dont you think? And this little myth you Senators keep touting about these being jobs Americans dont want? Let me clear you up on this one sir. When I graduated from high school I had no money for college so I went right to work for a construction company learning the trade as a helper. I dare you to find any American kid that can do that today. You think thats fair to the American people? All the money given in welfare and free medical to illegal aliens. You think thats fair to us, the American taxpayer, that you claim to serve? How about the constant danger you put every American citizen in every single day by letting illegals, that you know nothing about, roam our streets. They could be murderers, rapists, and pedophiles and we wouldn't know. But you dont care do you? Because thier not living in "your" nieghborhood. They are living in ours. How can you, a man who served his country, not be appauled at foriegn nationals demonstrating on AMERICAN soil waving the flag of ANOTHER COUNTRY. My dear sir that is called an insurrection and you and all of the Senate have a DUTY TO STOP IT NOT SUPPORT IT. You might have completely destroyed any chance you have of ever being president, but maybe you can redeem yourself as an AMERICAN and serve those who put you there."