I just watched the CMN interview with Aaron Russo at www.freedomtofascism.com. and I wanted to share my thoughts. What a fascinating interview!
I have always been an entrepreneurial believer in capitalism and the American way of life. I have never bought into the the whole "conspiracy theory" of the Corporate takeover. This year I have become very alarmed at the Illegal Immigration issue in this country and am very involved to try and stop it.

I have often thought to myself, "After 9-11, why are borders still not sealed and the illegal alien problem resolved immediately?" After all, ANYONE can come over out borders and do us harm, right? As I have gotten more invloved in the fight against Illegal Immigration, I have been astounded by the following:

1. Our "leaders" have all but ignored our calls to protect out sovreignty and are working to make it easier for illegal aliens to enter this country.

2. Our culture, language and way of life is being destroyed right before eyes and our "leaders" seem to be oblivious to it.

3. The number of corporations that support a "global" society and have no loyalty to America. We seem to have NO power against them as our culture and way of life is supplanted with a "one world" government.

It is getting scary out there.
