ACORN funder confimed to head Corporation for National and Community Service
By: Mark Hemingway
Commentary Staff Writer
02/16/10 11:37 AM EST
Democrats just can't stay away from ACORN. Even as scandal piles on top of scandal, they continue to embrace the organization. The latest is that the Senate just confirmed Patrick Corvington as chief executive of the Corporation for National and Community Service. Corvington and ACORN have quite the history as Matthew Vaum notes:
Corvington was a senior official at the left-wing Annie E. Casey Foundation of Baltimore, Md., which granted funding to ACORN and other radical groups during his tenure. If Corvington didn’t share the views of the foundation, which promotes racial disharmony and opposes placing juveniles charged with crimes in pretrial detention, he almost certainly couldn’t have gotten a job there.
Since 2001 the Annie E. Casey Foundation has pumped at least $1,705,500 into the ACORN network, according to philanthropy databases.
Of the $1,705,500, at least $850,500 was earmarked for ACORN operations in Baltimore, Maryland, home of the ACORN branch office first shown in the undercover videos that debuted on Those videos show James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles pretending to be a pimp and a prostitute and receiving mountains of advice on evading laws pertaining to tax evasion and prostitution (among other things).
The Annie E. Casey Foundation is a major funder of other groups on the left.
The foundation Corvington worked for also funded the AFL-CIO, the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, National Coucil for La Raza and other extreme left-wing groups.

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