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  1. #1
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    I Just Marked My Absentee Ballot For Chelene Nightingale!

    I received my absentee ballot today, and it is already marked for Chelene Nightingale! I am soooo happy to feel good about who I am voting for for the Governor of California!

    Check out these endorsements...

    Whoa! It is a Who's Who in anti-illegal immigration! Plus I found out she is anti-abortion!

    A list of some of the people here.....'We The People Endorsements' and there are watchable 'Video Endorsements' on this list as well
    Chuck Baldwin
    James C. (Jim) Griffin
    Don J. Grundmann
    Larry Breazeale
    Frosty Wooldridge
    Tom Tancredo
    Sheriff Mack
    Sheriff Joe Arpaio
    Howard Phillips
    Virgil Goode
    Michelle Dallacroce
    Mr. G. Edward Griffin
    Bruce Olsen
    Al Garza
    Charles Jones
    Joseph Turner
    Jim King
    RogueOn (Org) Right Side Media Productions
    Chuck Baldwin

    "I am happy to endorse the gubernatorial candidacy of Chelene Nightingale. Supporters and friends of limited government and true conservative/constitutional principles have no better ally in California than Chelene. She would make a fantastic governor and would lead the way to bringing fiscal sanity back the The Golden State."2008 Presidential Candidate, Constitution Party)
    [quote]Frosty Wooldridge

    “Chelene Nightingale represents the finest in American leadership. She possesses purpose, passion and the power of citizenship. She is truly All-American. Author of the Declaration of Independence and our third president, Thomas Jefferson espoused that average Americans provided the best leadership in this republic.

    Californians know Nightingale as a compelling leader, pragmatist and visionary. She stands for common sense and practical solutions. She would lead California back to excellence in schools, medical care and quality of life. Most importantly, she would enforce laws and bring new hope to California citizens. I highly endorse Chelene Nightingale as governor of California. She leads with grace, intelligence and elegance.â€
    Ron Paul in 2011 "[...]no amnesty should be granted. Maybe a 'green card' with an asterisk should be issued[...]a much better option than deportation."

  2. #2
    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    I have to decide which write in to use for the Gov. of CA.

    Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck?

    Don't reward the criminal actions of millions of illegal aliens by giving them citizenship.

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  3. #3
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    Brown or Whitman?

    'Governor Moonbeam,' or little Miss 'I've Never Voted,' both want to give my children's future to illegal aliens and their supporters, so at least I know my vote isn't going to help them. One of them will do it anyway, but at least I can complain about it.
    Ron Paul in 2011 "[...]no amnesty should be granted. Maybe a 'green card' with an asterisk should be issued[...]a much better option than deportation."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Why not

    The other choices suck

  5. #5
    rrtrigger's Avatar
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    I found this on the Internet. Not sure what to think on this.
    Nightingale For Governor, 2010?


    Birther, truther, poisonous chemtrails in skies, The Bilderberg Group, with the Rothschilds and drug cartels control of America, Communists in our government are building desert prison camps for enactment of martial law, personal bankruptcy in 2007, post bankruptcy personal finance-related legal problems Chelene and Michael Nightingale were lent approximately $6000; judges who presided awarded judgment ($6200) to the loan plaintiff, Frank Jorge(Antelope Valley Minutemen) with the money judgment remains unpaid, Nightingale gave up her position as Save Our State's Managing Director (she was the acting head of SOS for about 18+ months), the organization had practically no money left; so Save Our State lost its corporate status because proper papers had not been filed and necessary fees hadn't been paid.

  6. #6
    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    Wednesday, October 6, 2010

    Nightingale For Governor?

    Question: Is there a candidate currently seeking statewide office in California who has an unwavering commitment to oppose amnesty and enforce immigration laws?

    Answer: Yes, Chelene Nightingale, the American Independent Party's candidate for governor.

    Question: Do you believe illegal immigration is a serious problem in our state?

    Answer: It's the most serious -- to the degree that you can't realistically attempt to address California's other problems (budget deficit, crowded roadways, public education) without taking care of illegal immigration first.

    Question: Will you be voting for her then?

    Answer: No.

    Question: Why not?

    Answer: For the following reasons ...

    Seven Things Chelene Nightingale Wants You To Know, And Three That She Probably Doesn't

    1. President Obama is an illegal alien. When Chelene is elected governor, she will be calling the president to confront him on this issue. ... clnk&gl=us

    (1:22 of the video):

    2. Had he won the election in 2008, John McCain would have been constitutionally ineligible to serve as our nation's president. ... clnk&gl=us

    3. She's very concerned about poisonous chemtrails that are being seeded in American skies - probably by the government.

    4. The Bilderberg Group, in conjunction with the Rothschilds and drug cartels, is in control of America. ... lnk&gl=us5.

    Communists in the government are building prison camps to enable enactment of martial law. Chelene knows this because she saw some construction in the Antelope Valley. Twice. The facility was equipped with one-way glass and looked very suspicious.

    (1:52 of the video):

    6. It's time we started asking serious questions about what really happened on 9/11.

    7. Chelene Nightingale has a plan and is prepared to fix California's ailing economy.

    8. Chelene filed for personal bankruptcy in 2007.

    (Case No.: 1:07-bk-11509) ... 16#post816 (see first post)

    9. She has had finance-related legal problems after her bankruptcy filing, as well. Chelene and her husband were lent approximately $6000 and signed a contract that gave them two years to make repayment. When the loan went unpaid, they were sued this year in Kern County Superior Court. The Nightingales asserted, in both the original case and the appeal, that the debt is not due because of subsequent e-mails that were exchanged by the parties. The judges who presided over both matters disagreed and awarded judgment ($6200) to the plaintiff, Frank Jorge. The judgment remains unpaid.

    (Case No.: M-1502-CS-7854; Kern Co. Superior Court) ... 16#post816 (see first post)

    10. At the time Chelene gave up her position as Save Our State's Managing Director (she was the acting head of SOS for about 18 months), the organization had practically no money. People were scrambling around to find funds to simply keep the website operational. Shortly after her abrupt departure, Save Our State lost its corporate status because proper papers had not been filed and necessary fees hadn't been paid. (search corporation name "Save Our State" and click on the 2nd entry) ... ernor.html

    Don't reward the criminal actions of millions of illegal aliens by giving them citizenship.

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  7. #7
    Senior Member Bowman's Avatar
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    1. President Obama is an illegal alien. When Chelene is elected governor, she will be calling the president to confront him on this issue.
    How do we know Obama isn't an illegal alien?

    3. She's very concerned about poisonous chemtrails that are being seeded in American skies - probably by the government.
    I agree this is a little over the top, but at least she doesn't think space aliens are spraying them like Congressman Kuchinick did!

    4. The Bilderberg Group, in conjunction with the Rothschilds and drug cartels, is in control of America.
    Yes. How else do you explain the downward spiral of the USA?

    Communists in the government are building prison camps to enable enactment of martial law. Chelene knows this because she saw some construction in the Antelope Valley. Twice. The facility was equipped with one-way glass and looked very suspicious.
    Lots of people say the same thing and have presented lots of proof supporting it.

    6. It's time we started asking serious questions about what really happened on 9/11.
    Well how is it Osama Bin Ladin is still at large nine years later?

    8. Chelene filed for personal bankruptcy in 2007.

    9. She has had finance-related legal problems after her bankruptcy filing, as well. Chelene and her husband were lent approximately $6000 and signed a contract that gave them two years to make repayment. When the loan went unpaid, they were sued this year in Kern County Superior Court. The Nightingales asserted, in both the original case and the appeal, that the debt is not due because of subsequent e-mails that were exchanged by the parties. The judges who presided over both matters disagreed and awarded judgment ($6200) to the plaintiff, Frank Jorge. The judgment remains unpaid.
    What average American hasn't had financial difficulties since the globalists imploded our economy? Frank Jorge is active in the Antelope Valley Minutemen, I guess he lent Chelene some money and there was a disagreement over the terms. Who is Frank supporting for Governor?

    10. At the time Chelene gave up her position as Save Our State's Managing Director (she was the acting head of SOS for about 18 months), the organization had practically no money. People were scrambling around to find funds to simply keep the website operational. Shortly after her abrupt departure, Save Our State lost its corporate status because proper papers had not been filed and necessary fees hadn't been paid.
    Part of this blame lies with SOS founder Joe Turner, who didn't oversee Chelene adequately. It's true she isn't a great administrator, but at least she would put Americans first, unlike the other two main candidates. Who do you think we should vote for?
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  8. #8
    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    . . It's true she isn't a great administrator . . .
    I'm not sure that stating that "she isn't a great administrator" is the best way to get people to want to vote for her.

    Don't reward the criminal actions of millions of illegal aliens by giving them citizenship.

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  9. #9
    Senior Member dregerk's Avatar
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    Well, here is my two cents.

    I have known her for 2+ years, and she has attended many of our events at Camp Vigilance! She is strong against any form of AMNESTY!

    For that she gets my vote.

    She is not a politician, and again for that she gets my vote!

    She has some baggage, but who doesn't, ask her and she will tell you about it! for that she again gets my vote.

    This is what CA needs, she is willing to go to the line with all the politicians.

    Cast your vote for the others and you get the same old crap!

    If you actually want CHANGE vote for her.

    I know I am voteing for her and I tell all my friends about her also.

    Any and all comments & Opinions and postings by me are considered of my own opinion, and not of any ORG that I belong to! PERIOD!

  10. #10
    Senior Member Bowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDoe2
    . . It's true she isn't a great administrator . . .
    I'm not sure that stating that "she isn't a great administrator" is the best way to get people to want to vote for her.
    OK let me put it this way, she might not be an Eisenhower level leader, but is a better administrator than Obama!!
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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