Hello everyone --

I spoke against illegal immigration again tonight at a Democratic Ward Meeting. I spoke in support of HR 4437 and asked the members to make calls to our US Senators. I expect at least some to do so.

I also handed out copies of the immigration voting records of our Senators and members of Congress.

I watched the members review the dismal voting records of both the Dems and Republicans. I think many were shocked of what they read.

Many people thanked me for my presentation and handouts. They even plan to put the information on the clubs new web site! That was very generous of them, and an indication of their support for ending illegal immigration.

The candidates in the room (which have seen me talk at other events) are probably not quite sure what to make of me. It's sort of funny. They do seem to try to avoid conversing with me...certainly no positive comments...

I did talk to an aide to a gubernatorial candidate and suggested the campaign publically come out against illegal immigration. He suggested I contact the candidate directly. I plan to contact both candidates in the race and see whose position most closely supports ours. Then I will bring in some of our heavy hitters for TV media events.

This issue certainly isn't a partisan issue. Grassroots Dems and Repubs don't like what's going on anymore than we do! We just have to hit the streets and get the word out and get them to take action! But we must act now! Time is running out -- and an amnesty is in the works in March. That's only weeks away!

"Alea iacta est," the die is cast.
