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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    The elitists ignore the law.
    Yet, we keep re-electing them.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    If you want to get the politician's attention on both sides of the aisle...REFUSE TO DONATE TO THEM!...and let them know you WILL NO LONGER DONATE until they secure the borders and enforce the immigration laws that are already on the books!

    BUT...assemblys, emails, faxes and phone calls need to keep going too! But the DOLLAR TALKS! Imagine what an upheaval we would create if both party's fundraising machines experienced dramtic financial drop off!!!! YAHOO!!!
    "You tell 'em I'm coming...and hell's coming with me, you hear!?"

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by CostaMesaMan
    If you want to get the politician's attention on both sides of the aisle...REFUSE TO DONATE TO THEM!...and let them know you WILL NO LONGER DONATE until they secure the borders and enforce the immigration laws that are already on the books!

    BUT...assemblys, emails, faxes and phone calls need to keep going too! But the DOLLAR TALKS! Imagine what an upheaval we would create if both party's fundraising machines experienced dramtic financial drop off!!!! YAHOO!!!
    Yes, keep calling, FAXing, picketing, and E-Mailing them.
    Yes, don't throw money at them.
    Government is FOR-SALE.
    But, unless you are one of the hyper-wealthy, you are wasting your money because only a very, very tiny 0.15% (the hyper-wealthy) of all 200 million eligible American voters make 83% of all federal campaign donations ($2.4 billion in 2004).

    The hyper-wealthy average $6,667 per person ($2 billion of the total $2.4 billion in 2004).
    That's not fair to the average American, who only averages $2 per person (totaling only $0.4 billion; only 13% of the total $2.4 billion in all federal campaign donations in 2004).

    How can the remaining 99.85% of the 200 million eligible voters compete with that? They can't by trying to outspend the hyper-wealthy. The average voter can NOT outspend the hyper-wealthy that abuse their wealth to control and influence government. A tiny 1% of the U.S. population owns 40% of all wealth (up from 20% in 1980; never so lop-sided since the Great Depression of 1929). Being wealthy is not a crime, but using that wealth to control and influence government should be. It ain't right.

    Our Government is FOR-SALE.

    Congress will never allow campaign finance reform, or any other common-sense, no-brainer reforms that may even remotely reduce their power, opportunites for self-gain, or the security of their cu$hy , coveted incumbencies. (NOTE: Congress just gave itself its 9th raise in the last 10 years; 1997 to 2007).

    Yes, our choices may stink, but the very least voters must learn and do is to stop re-electing bad politicians. If all your choices stink, vote out the incumbent rather than let the incumbent grow more powerful and difficult to oust.

    So who are the irresponsible incumbent politicians? That would be most (if not all) politicians. Who can name at least 268 (half of the 535) in Congress that responsible and accountable? If at least half of Congress isn't responsible, then what does that say about Congress as a whole?

    Stop Repeat Offenders.
    Don't Reward Them by Repeatedly Re-Electing Them!

    Our "VOTE" is the only peaceful force the voters have to demand better government. Repeatedly rewarding bad politicians by repeatedly re-electing them is exactly why they ignore the voters. Letting Congress enjoy a 90%+ re-election rate is why they ignore the voters.

    The solution is so simple, but so elusive, because too many voters continually pull the party-lever, continually reward incumbents by repeatedly re-electing them, and are continually prefer to wallow in the petty, partisan, distracting partisan warfare. It makes no sense, but that's the sad truth of the matter. Bad politicians are only half the problem. The other half are robotic straight-ticket voters that prefer to wallow in the petty partisan warfare and re-elect THEIR party above all else, and blindly pull the party-lever . . . often without even knowing who they are voting for . . . empowering the two-party duopoly to maintain its stranglehold.

    Responsibility = Power + Conscience + Education + Transparency + Accountability
    Corruption = Power - Conscience - Education - Transparency - Accountability

    Government will NOT become responsible until the voters do too!
    Illegal immigration is just ONE serious issue of MANY serious problems facing the nation; growing in number and severity.
    Few (if any) of those problems will be resolved as long as too many voters repeatedly reward bad politicians by repeatedly re-electing them. Even if your choices are all bad, the worst thing you can do is to reward the incumbent and empower them to become more powerful and more difficult to oust from office.

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