Im crushed to think of an fellow American not able to get a job over a illegal. People who don't belong here are getting tossed aside for these invaders! IT NOT RIGHT! Not in the least!
My ex has a masters in Math..and was turned down from all jobs! Ranging from banker assistant, to burger flipper! He is a smart man...but if you go to the places he applied...there are non-Americans there. How do I know? You go ask for a deposit slip, or for a #2 combo...I Promise you, broken English and alot of jibberish.
He ended up dropping all of his classes and just leaving me with a note that says "I cannot be hear anymore, Im sorry, will be back in August/September." ....he wont pick up his phone. It crushed him very much he worked so hard through his life...8 years dedicated to advancing his education...and he cannot land a job at a burger joint? Must sting to a man's ego. I feel compassion for every American who cannot get a job, because I am weeping with them.
Im not secure in my finances, and must locate a job (any damn job will do) HELL! Will work at the Korn Kits Factory! (not hiring of course)! How can people say illegals do the jobs Americans wont do...I know 10 people willing to do anything for a job right now, and can probably find 200 more in this area, who all want to pay for collage and rent without digging a deep whole of debt!!! Illegals or Americans...who come first in the eyes of the goverment?