Okay, so you are here. You want the American people to overlook the fact that you have crossed our borders without permission.

Estimates are that there may be as many as twenty million of you here.

What do you say to the twenty million more who are waiting to follow in your footsteps?? Do you say, "No, there are enough of us here now, stay put, do not do what we did!!"

Hmmm. If you say that, aren't you being "unfair"? Would you call yourselves "racists" for thinking that it would be in your best interest if the others don't break immigration laws and enter the U.S. illegally?

OR.....and this is the IMPORTANT part of the question....do you say, "Come on, this is your country too, come on over!!" If THAT is the answer that you give, then IT IS TRUE.....YOU ARE INITIATING AND SUPPORTING AN INVASION UPON THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

George Bush, take off those cowboy boots...and put on a pair of ballet slippers