Ok, I practically have been hold up in my home. We rarely go to Walmart because EVERY time my daughter and I go, my daughter and I are followed by illegal males. Groups of them that are not speaking English. I have complained to Walmart 3 times. Finally after the last time. (My husband went with me) I wanted to show him what was happening. Ok, I had to hold him back or he was going to do some serious business. No one messes with our daughter. Walmart says theres nothing they can do unless they physically do something. can anyone say...TOO LATE.

Just a clafication. The first time we went we were surprsed because it hadn't happened before. The second time we thought well maybe it was a freak thing that happened. The third my DH went with us.

I think I'll start some small investigations. I'm armed with numbers. My sons are out there more so they can have these numbers in their cell phones. Maybe we can make at least a small difference.I'm tired of living like a prisoner in GAINESBORO, TN. Altho this town and county is very small and I have seen NONE at the stores. Cookeville, TN is where real shopping is. If we want new clothing or anything besides food and home stuffs. We HAVE to go there. I've tried for a year to stay out as much as possible. The last time was 6 months ago WITH DH. It's a shame DD and I can't go have a girls day out anymore. We used to love it so much.

I'm sick and tired of being a victim. It's time to make a change. I'll post back with pics if I can get them. And we won't do anything dangerous. I know ONE illegal but I may be able to get a group. I'm going to be doing some investigations and see where he works. He comes to my house every once in a while because some BIG MOUTH somewhere told him I have Crele Jerazano's. These are extremely rare Spanish fighting chickens. I rescued them from the fights. I abhore fighting anything. He has pestered me...Well, his wife. I've never heard him speak at all come to think of it. Only her speaking to him. I have told them the roosters are rescues and they have a home here forever. They are not for sale. I keep them close to my house AND locks on the coops.

I'm just sick of it all and very tired of dealing with it as I am. It's time to fight back!