An important note from Bay Buchanan

March 26, 2007

Dear Friends,

First, let me introduce myself. I am Bay Buchanan and I am honored that Congressman Tancredo asked me to be a part of his campaign. I have left CNN to come aboard and will serve as the Senior Adviser to the campaign.

I want to tell you why I am endorsing Tom and why I am going to do everything in my power to see that Tom Tancredo wins this nomination. First, Tom is a man of principle and integrity; he says what he believes and believes what he says. This alone sets him apart from the crowd in Washington and certainly from among the media designated “top-tier” in this race.

In addition, Tom is a great American, one who respects the will of the people and is a champion of their causes. He is a leader who has fought long and hard to keep our country the great and proud nation that our forefathers entrusted to us. Unfortunately, this battle has become increasingly difficult. Corporate America’s influence over Congress and the White House has grown so strong that the voice of the people is no longer heard in this town. The elite of the governing class see themselves as smarter and wiser than us and so they will dictate a course of action that they claim is in our interest - but in reality is in their own. In short, they are selling our nation out.

The direction they are taking this country will destroy our nation and we can’t let this happen. Friends, they want our borders to be open, they want to give amnesty to the millions who live in our country illegally, and they want to let millions upon millions of foreign workers come into our country to compete with Americans for our jobs.

Tom Tancredo is the one man who will stop all this – he understands the border must be sealed and the rule of law must be upheld if we are to preserve the nation. He will represent the interests of Middle America not corporate America. And he will return to Washington government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

The Tancredo campaign is about the kind of America we want to leave to our children. It is too important a cause for us to leave to chance. And so, I am pledging my time and effort to see that Tom Tancredo is the next President of the United States.

As the new captain of our team, my first order of business is to make certain Tom’s quarterly report is as strong as possible. All contributions made before March 31 go on this report. So I must ask if you would help me by giving a contribution today. I promise that in the near future I will be sending you a list of other ways you can help. But right now, what Tom needs more than ever are contributions to show that he has the financial support he needs to go the distance. Anything you can do is much appreciated and I look forward to working with you all.

My best,

Bay Buchanan

Tom's quarterly report needs to be as strong as possible. Please help him show the world that he has the support to go the distance.

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