Found this site while researching illegal alien sex crimes against kids. It might explain what we're up against. It also makes me wonder how they can cross that border and start screaming for civil rights....

Some Statistics on Sexual Violence in Latin America
In Puerto Rico:

It is calculated that each year 7,000 women are raped and thousands of children are sexually abused in their homes.

In Mexico:

A woman is raped every 9 minutes.

In Peru:

75% of all women are raped before their 15th birthday.

In Ecuador:

3 out of every 10 children have been sexually abused by the age of 16.

In Caracas, Venezuela:

20 women are raped every day.

In Bogota, Colombia:

10 women are raped every day

Statistics about Latino countries reproduced from "SEMILLAS PARA EL CAMBIO" a publication of the Centro de Ayuda a Victimas de Violacion (Center for Rape Victims) Department of Health, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1992.

Reproduced from: - Llamanos (Call Us) - The Rape Crisis Center of Central Massachusetts


Latin America - Introduction to the Issues
From our 2001 Report


Latin American cultures are diverse and dynamic. Many positive things may be said in relation to Latin American concepts of family interaction and personal interactions within communities. These cultures when compared to cultural norms within the United States may be said to be spiritually healthier than our own in many respects.
The importance of religion, the intense celebration of cultural heritage, the very close interaction between parents, children, extended family, and friends, the minimal importance of racial difference in most Latin countries, and the nearly open inclusion within many Latin American countries of African, Indigenous, Spanish, and other world traditions within the common national culture are mostly very positive lessons which Americans can and should learn more about.

Having said that, Latin American cultures also have many deeply- rooted traditions which expose women to severe exploitation in daily life. The heritage of agrarian feudalism, the related exploitation of people based on their social status and position in society, poverty, and the ongoing violence and abuses surrounding the conquest of indigenous peoples continue to work against women's rights.

The philosophy of machismo, a widely followed male code of honor and conduct, (especially in rural areas) places strict limits on, and very clearly defines, the 'correct' behavior of men and women. Machismo legitimizes the domestic abuse of women and their open sexual exploitation in the workplace and on the street. Machismo remains a strong cultural force in many Latin American countries. Machismo fuels the continuing vulnerability of women and children to exploitation.

The negative aspects of machismo are a reality that must be recognized by our Latino brothers in the U.S. and in Latin America. It is possible for change to occur. It just takes a decision by societies and people that this exploitation must end.

For Latino culture to thrive, all women and children must be respected and loved. Everyone knows that in their hearts. The Los Compadres Network is one of the many national and international organization working to achieve positive change in Latino communities in this regard.

It would be unfair to single out Latin-America regarding these problems. The author’s purpose here is to assist in our understanding as to why Latin American and Latin American immigrant women and children as a group are vulnerable to such widespread sexual abuse.

Latin America now ranks with Asia as one of the two most active regions in the world for the criminal sexual exploitation of women and children.

The world's sex trafficking organizations are now focusing their criminal attentions on Latin America. They see a rich pool of "raw material" - people, from which they feel free to kidnap, entrap and cajole hundreds of thousands of poor women and children into a life of sexual slavery.

Once enslaved, these women and children will be transported and sold to brothels in Latin America, Asia, Europe, the United States and Canada. Sex Slaves have been known to be sold in the U.S. for up to $16,000 each (source: The Protection Project).

Within the U.S., over 100,000 enslaved persons have already been “imported.â€