By John W. Lillpop

With so many Hispanic citizens in a state of befuddlement over Arizona’s SB 1070, isn’t it time to demand that this demographic get serious in battling illegal immigration, regardless of the racial make-up of the aliens?

Everyone knows that the overwhelming majority of illegal aliens in the United States is Hispanic.

Given the fact that illegal immigration is a major problem to the economic, social, and cultural well being of America, besides being a chink in homeland security armor, why in the hell are so many American citizens named Rodriquez, Garcia, Chavez, and the like so reticent about speaking out against illegal aliens?

Why is La Reza not organizing million-senor marches through downtown Los Angeles to demand that the borders be sealed off and those here illegally be deported?

What if the illegal population was overwhelmingly Chinese? Would La Reza and the Hispanic community be advocating on behalf of invaders if said aliens spoke Mandarin Chinese rather than Spanish?

What if workers from China were to invade America and be willing to pick fruit and cut lawns for a small percentage of the wage demanded by Latino illegal aliens, thereby replacing Latino aliens as the source for cheap labor?

Would Hispanics oppose SB 1070 if Arizona’s illegal alien population was mostly Chinese?

The point is that illegal immigration is wrong and harmful when committed by Hispanics or any other ethnic group. It is also true that when a particular racial group dominates the illegal alien crowd as Hispanics do in America, racial profiling is not only an acceptable government response, but absolutely mandatory in order to protect the rights and lives of all citizens!

Worried about being targeted in Arizona just because you are Hispanic?

Then get off your tush and join the rest of America in the effort to prevent and reverse the dreaded curse of illegal immigration.

When you spot an illegal alien, call ICE and report the invader. Write your elected officials and demand enforcement of our borders and laws.

Or are you one who believes that illegal immigration is not a problem if the invader happens to be Latino?