I actually found this site...through the Minutemans site. I am so grateful that I did. I am learning so much through the articles and the blogs.
I knew there was a growing problem when I lived in California. Then moving to Colorado...well, its catching up.
I Love this country and our way of life...freedom! But what is driving me is my children. Even though they are grown...I'm still a mama bear, that loves her cubs.
This country is worth fighting for and I'm tired of being invaded, and gangs, and jobs being taken. I am among those people that did some of those jobs Americans won't do.
Sometimes, I find it hard to talk to people about this, its as if they want to close their eyes and hope it will go away. (Of course this is frustrating). But at least...even if I don't say anything...reading the blogs reasures me that Im not alone.
I never knew about The North American Union until coming to these two sites. I try to pass on the information I find here to wake up other people...hoping they will eventually come to these sites on their own.
I was one that never tried to be part of the solution...
I wouldn't even vote.
I am now a registered voter.
I am now writing letters and sending faxes.
I am learning from this site...other websites with great info...like www.numbersusa.com... So that I can vote into office people that believe The People run this country...not politicians with their own agenda.
I Love my kids....and that moves me...to want them to have a country that many have died for...THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH...