Well, I feel a wee bit better.

One of the Lincoln Nebraska TV stations shared its video with an Omaha Nebraska TV station (the cities are 45 or so miles apart).

The coverage was more than fair.... it was actually slightly skewed to place our rally in a good light!!!!!! That really surprised me since the local media tends to put the invasion in a good light.

Perhaps the people's anger is affecting the media, well, at least the station I was watching.

Additionally, there was a local Democratic party meeting the same day as our rally. The coverage of that immediately preceeded the rally coverage. One of the Democratic congressmen was interviewed and spoke strongly about stopping the invasion. Then it was our turn. The two different stories complemented each other and made our rally appear even more effective!!!!!!!!

It was obvious to me the TV station made an attempt to make our anti-invasion efforts appear patriotic and to be a positive thing!!!!!!

We didn't march..... we recited the Pledge of Allegience, sang the first verse of the National Anthem, then the head organizer spoke in general about the invasion. I spoke about my experiences in California and we then invited folks in the crowd to come up and speak.

Several of us were interviewed by TV and newspaper reporters. We had a decent amount of media present.

It appears to me these rallies can be effective ways to spread the word and support our cause.

Get a handfull of folks to spread the word, post flyers, e-mail everyone you can" the media, politicians, everyone!!!!

With the good media coverage I saw from that one TV station I feel our efforts were effective far beyond the effort it take and the relatively small amount of people that arrived.

Go for it!!!!!! And, do your best to get the media coverage.

Tomorrow will have the newspaper coverage.

Even if any media coverage is negative.... well, think about it. That negative coverage can be as effective as positive coverage!!!!! We know the majority of Americans are against the invasion. Their minds will not be changed by negative media coverage about an anti-invasion rally. In fact...... negative coverage might even be more effective than positive coverage!!!!!! It's possible folks could become angry enough at seeing our efforts lambasted that they may decide to attend the next rally or write that media or a congress critter or complain about the coverage to other people they know.

We CAN'T lose with whatever type of media coverage we get.

Oh..... also, one of the Omaha radio stations I spoke to a week ago to spread the word about the rally time/date/location on-air asked me to call via cell phone. I did and gave a few minutes live coverage of the rally that went out over the air. For around 5 or 6 minutes I gave a running commentary and answered the talk show host's questions.

Folks...... we were just a few folks who spent a few hours each and I'm guessing no more than $200 total for everything. We had plenty of photocopied material telling about many different negatives about the invasion for folks to grab and read later. All that costs but it is a small price to pay to assist in stopping the invasion.

So...... go for it!!!!!!!

Okay, one last thing. There was ONE car that drove by with someone inside holding a Mexican flag out the window. They didn't shout anything and they came by during the closing of the rally when we sanf God Bless America. When we saw the flag our singing volume went MUCH higher!!!!!! I am not kidding..... as our voices roared out the flag was pulled inside and the car continued on, not to return!!!!!!!

So, our rally was a success. I believe it was more effective than any communicating I could have done with a politician.