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  1. #41

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Rubio has a "green" rating on all points except for End Birthright Citzenship and a no rating for 5 points. Personally, I wouldn't trust him to stand behind anything he says re: illegal immigration but what option do we have?

    (Didn't want to attempt to C&P comparison chart.)

    2010 Florida U.S. Senate Primary | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels ... imary.html

  2. #42
    Administrator Jean's Avatar
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    Just posted an article in news that includes the following statement:

    Rubio contends that English should be designated the official language. He has discounted immigration reform as an "amnesty" that would attract more illegal arrivals. And he has sharply criticized the U.S. Justice Department for challenging the Arizona law — but stopped short of endorsing it for Florida.
    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  3. #43
    tired2's Avatar
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    If anyone thinks that he is against Amnesty is in for a Rude surprise..

  4. #44
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Gheen, Minnesota, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by tired2
    If anyone thinks that he is against Amnesty is in for a Rude surprise..

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  5. #45
    goginski's Avatar
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    the bottom line. Rubio canNOT be trusted on illegal immigration. There are all kinds of red flags.
    1)He keeps blaming the federal govt. instead being pro-Arizona.
    2)He says he's not against illegal immigration but FOR legal immigration. 3)He flip flopped on the AZ law after the backlash he got.
    4)He is Hispanic so he wants their vote and will be very sneaky and political on this issue.
    5)He is a disciple of Jeb Bush who is very pro amnesty/open borders.
    6)J. Bush and Karl Rove endorsed him for the senate race. They are both pro amnesty/open borders.
    7)He refuses to join the Tea Party caucus in the senate.
    He is against changing the 14th amendment re: anchor babies ... -amendment

    Some more facts on him
    (mod edit)

    His NumbersUSA scorecard: ... /congress/

  6. #46
    goginski's Avatar
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    How can we inform Hannity and Mark Levin of Rubio?

    These 2 guys both LOVE Rubio and want him to be president. I know Levin is very strong on the illegal alien issue and against amnesty. Do not hear Hannity talk about it much. They either are in denial or haven't done their thorough research on Rubio regarding illegal immigration. I just wish I could wake them up somehow about Rubio.

  7. #47
    Senior Member Oldglory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevetheroofer
    Rubio's office just called me and told me that Mr. Rubio does not support any pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants in the U.S. and opposes any amnesty, the dream act, and supports E-verify,she also said that he supports any pathway to citizenship for legal immigrants. That's what she said. I don't know why she threw that last sentence in?
    It is a matter of terminology. He like most pro-illegals spin the word "amnesty" to make it appear that they want the illegals to be deported. Here is what IMO he actually means. CIR is what he advocates so he says "no amnesty". Rubio's office said that Rubio supports any pathway to citizenship for "legal" immigrants. Well guess what, that means he wants the illegals to become legalized thru CIR and therefore he would support a path to citizenship for them after they become "legal". It is the typical twist of terminology that the pro-illegals and politicians use. You have to learn to disect what they actually mean.

  8. #48
    Denisse's Avatar
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    I sent several emails asking senators by law in Florida and Mr. René Garcia I replied:

    RE: If justiceâ€

  9. #49
    Senior Member enforcer1776's Avatar
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    He was the lesser of two evils. On things like obamacare and stuff he is in line with what i believe. On amnesty it goes back to people being loyal to their race than the rule of law.

    There is no reason for birthright citizenship except to spend our tax dollars and keep illegal invaders coming.

    as long as we keep patriots like Jeff sessions in office a few rhinos wont hurt much, but they need their population controlled heavily.
    <div>"If I had known this I would have picked my own cotton"</div>

  10. #50
    goginski's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    Re: Marco Rubio Amnesty Question?

    Quote Originally Posted by ALIPAC

    Of course, despite numerous tries we cant get an ALIPAC survey out of Rubio's campaign.

    that should tell you something right there. He's evading the situation and doesn't want to deal with it. He has also done the same thing with He hasn't cooperated with them on a survey.

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