
It is obvious the generic trolls are among us. In the spirit of tolerance I created a template in order to save them time so the have more to spend on their collective pursuits that benefit mankind as a whole.

So please allow me to present the Generic Troll:

The Generic Troll version 1.0:

Choose one:

Hi, you don’t know me, but I have been reading this forum for some time. I really like the forum, the openness, and the warmth of the posters, and I particularity like the well thought out and informative posts. This is truly one of the best forums on the Internet.

Let me tell you a little about me. I am a(select one from the list below) :

technology manager
small business owner

I have two children, both are straight A students, active in their church, and spend their spare time helping (select one form the list below):

volunteering at a soup kitchen
working with retarded children
assisting shut ins
volunteering at the nursing home

When my (select one form the list below):


was only 10 years old (select one form the list below):


organized a fund raiser to (select one form the list below):

build shelter for homeless people
create a refuge for endangered species
raise environmental concerns
give food to the needy families of our soldiers overseas

I pay my taxes and contribute more than most to my community. I share many of your beliefs. I am a conservative. I voted for (select one form the list below):


And I (select one form the list below):

am pro life
for the second amendment

But what you don’t know about me is (select one from the list below):

I am a homosexual
I am an illegal alien
I had an abortion when I was a freshman in college

That is the reason I have lurked in this forum for so long. Although we share so many values in common, sometimes I get the impression that some of you are (select one from the list below):


I am really not so different form you. In fact I may live right next door to you and you would never know it. We (select one form the list below):

Are everywhere. We are your children’s teachers, we are your fireman, we are your paramedics, we work in your community and we contribute and we pay our taxes.

I like to think you would like me, and I am sure you would if you gave me a chance. But the minute you hear that I (select one from the list below):

Had an abortion
Am here illegally
Am gay

You shut the conversation down with your labels that do not allow my individuality and contributions to shine. You only see a (select one from the list below):

Baby murderer

Not the lifetimes of experiences that forced my behavior. You see I did not want to be like this. I was (select one from the list below):

Born in a poor country with limited opportunity
Born this way
Victim of child abuse

Not everyone has the advantages many of you have shared. But I think I have come a long way and we share so much in terms of common values. I think it is wrong to view this issue in terms of (select one from the list below)::

Baby murderers
Undocumented workers

That is only derogatory label that divides us rather than unites us with all the thigns we share in common. We both love this country, we all just want what is best for our families. And isn’t that what this country is all about? A place for people to come and make a better place for their families. We are all God’s children (select one from the list below):

And God does not make borders
And God loves all his children even those who are homosexual
And judgments should lie with the Lord

Well I have said enough. I took a chance in posting this. I just wanted to give you a chance to get and know me and see me as a person and not as a label.

(end with the complimentary close of your own making)