Just a short note about Memorial Day, Some of us will be traveling over the next few days. Please drive careful we want to see you back here next week continuing the battle .
Please take a few moments out of your busy schedule while enjoying your day off, while kicking sand around the beach or BBQing. Take that short moment of respectful silence and reflect on those who have died in the service of our great nation. Give those who died for the freedoms you enjoy that moment they deserve.
Memorial Day, the Day we honor those who have given their all for our country thank God they were there for us.
If you see a young man or women in uniform, don't be shy walk up to them and thank them for their service to our country.
To my fellow veterans, thanks for your service. Should one of you run across John Edwards in your travels please tell him I said kiss my Patriotic butt.

remember those who gave their all