Ok, I know this is all a "known" thing, but just wanted to write down some of my observations from the health department.

Not a ONE of of these undocumented aliens is married, yet they are all on birth contrtol, and all claim to be Roman Catholic. How is that? I thought Catholics as a rule are to shun premarital sex and all forms of birth control. Maybe someone should alert the Pope.

Now, I know that's not realistic, but honestly, these are women on birth control en masse.

And, in addition to not speaking a lick of English and requiring interpreters at every turn, (I mean, they don't even TRY) they are also functionally illiterate in their native language of spanish. Many, many problems result from this, such as not being able to read the spanish directions on the formula cans (which they get through WIC) which leads to more problems with their kids which leads to spontaneous ER room visits. Also leads to some EXTREME dependence on the health department staff due to extreme ignorance and a lack of education in parenting matters. I mean, how do you deal with an illiterate, practically helpless population like this? It's out of control, and we are footing the bill entirely at the local level, and state as well.

That's all I will say. I just can't believe this is all happening. I have sent lettgers to my state senator about it. It's just an enormous welfare class all over again.

I also blame the government of Mexico for this - in fact, I blame them entirely. It's unbelievable that a nation, in the 20th century, so geographically close to the U.S. would have such a large population of uneducated, illiterate citizens. Mexico failed these people ...and now all of a sudden, it's OUR problem??

Makes me so mad I could SPIT.