a good article on NAFTA's Flaws:
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/ ... fta06.html

I can't find it but I read somewhere that NAFTA only applies to certain provinces in Mexico and leaves out the poorest but forces all Canadian provinces and US States to obey it. In it's first decade the bill caused a jump from a $9 billion deficit to a $87 billion deficit (1993-2002).

As I see it, if the restrictions to parts of Mexico is true, we are importing more goods from Mexico and importing cheap labor from the parts left out. This is having an major adverse effect on our economy and our job market. Thanks Mexico and the Clinton family.. you totally rock.

*I am not against a more economically stable mexico or having good relations with the country. In point of fact I stayed in Nueva Rosita (apprx. 80 miles south of Eagle Pass, TX) when I was young and have seen and experienced first hand the hardships faced by the poor citizens of that country. I am, however, staunchly against it's citizens being allowed to break our laws, it's government telling us what to do and giving away of our jobs to them.