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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    KickEmOut, I don't think Europe has time to wonder what happens in the US. Europe is facing the same dilemma. Germany is flooded with Turks. They have their own cultural society, they won't speak German. Many neighborhoods in Berlin are 100% turkish. I believe most of them entered legally but they are abusing the system. They pop out 10 kids, collect the benefits (and there's plenty of that!) and send it back to Turkey. 95% of the students in my old highschool are Turkish, the teachers are Turkish. The few German students have trouble finding jobs after they graduate. Local companies advertising jobs in the paper have a disclaimer saying that students from XYZ highschool don't need to apply!!!
    I talk to my Mom on the phone at least once a week and from what she's telling me.......things are bad over there.
    She told me the other day though that Germany is going to implement a law that requires immigrants from foreign country to learn German prior to entering the county. I haven't found any news articles about it but I'm still looking.

  2. #12
    Greyerhat's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    The Hispanic goal is invasion because they feel our land is rightfully theirs.
    Well that is right. Millions of them now go to public schools that teach them in mexican, and they get their news from sources that hate the USA. That is really NOT too strong to say. Many of them are taught by teachers who believe that the greatest problem that the USA even exists...

    Many of the sources that they take their information from are newspapers, radio sources, internet sites, and "activist" groups that are based on the premise that the land was taken from them.

    That is not true, there were less than 9,000 Mexicans in all of texas by the 1850s, and Mexico was considered the property of France. The first problem is with their lack of history.

    But beyond that, the solution for them, and for everyone else is the Constitution and the Rights that Americans have. If they had the Same rights in Mexico, they would not have the problems they do down there, and they would not find any purpose in coming up here. So what is needed is not Mexican law in the USA (which could happen if the Borders disapear), but rather the American Constitution to be law in Mexico.

    People from around the world come here, because of our laws and the heritage that gives everyone Freedom to live the American dream of opportunity (not entitlement).

    But Mexican culture has additional problems. They do not have a history of resistance to tyranny or resistance to wrong authority. Because of this, they do not stand up often enough...within their own communities and fight those who are Mexicans who are trying to gain political power, not to truly help them, but rather to hold power at the expense of the Mexican population, (both in Mexico and the USA).

    IF all you hear - day after day - is "America is Evil" , "America is Bad", the problem in the world is America, Americans stole the land, Americans hate you, etc, eventually that becomes hard to resist.

    In addition, when they do resist, they still have a great deal of peer pressure that is built on their family-system.

    This makes it very hard for people to stand up WITHIN the Mexican community and fight those who are calling for erasing America and replacing it with a Red-Socialist Mexican superstate. If that happens, the culture, the corruption, the drugs and the gangs will turn what is left of this nation into a land of wasteland of chaos.

    Most of them do not stop to realize that even if they DID get their Mexican Aztlan, the result would only be that those who CURRENTLY RULE in MEXICO, would then rule in the USA, and those same Mexicans at the bottom would have even less rights.

    Its amazing to think that men are ordered to fight for the sovereignty of another country, but then somehow we should not fight FOR America home.

    No, on the contrary, as your sentiments demonstrate, if we are grateful for the help and the service of those who dared to serve overseas, the least we can pay them back by helping to ensure that they can still have a the literal sense.

    P.S: Welcome to the Country (even if you have been here awhile), and Thank your husband for his service, on behalf of us here [if I can say that even though I am new to the forum also]

    Let's be brutally honest: THe Only thing that matters is when you force Politicians to STOP and PAY Attention to You. Its time to think about ways to do that.

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Jan 1970
    Here's a sample letter/fax/email you can use for contacts today.

    We should be BOMBARDING every single one of these guys now.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #14
    Senior Member
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    May 2006
    I feel for you, I really do. I live in Florida also. I am one of the rare Florida natives, born and raised. I am 37 now and boy has the state changed (as have many others). I was raised in South Florida and every few years we end up moving a little further north.

    I am afraid that there will be no peaceful resolution here. I only see 3 scenerios.

    1. They pass amnesty and the American people roll over and take it, in which case the USA is done for.
    2. They go hardline and clamp down the border and deport (a pipe dream I think) and the illegals wage violent protests (rioting) all over the country.
    3. They pass amnesty and the American people say NO WAY!! and stand up which either leads to a war with Mexico or a revolt against our very own government.

    If anyone else has any other ways they see this leading please speak up because those are the only ones I can think of.

    Anyway welcome to the boards and I am so sorry you joined this Great Nation only to have your dreams turn to a nightmare.

  5. #15
    KickEmOut's Avatar
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    legalgal I am an ANGRY American! I am ready to take the next step. I cannot do it alone. I am praying for trouble when the socialist anarchist no-borders pro-illegals groups march again. I am praying something will happen to get the average American off his butt and into action. I am willing to make the sacrifice, as our founding fathers did, if it means saving America. I want my country back. I don't want to live in a socialistic, open bordered barrio. There's a reason people come here, it's for opportunity and freedom, but my opportunity and freedom are being infringed by those who don't belong here yet who are supported by American politicians.

    This whole mess, in my not-so-humble opinion, is what happens when any nation goes down the road of socialism. That's why Europe is suffering the same problems with their borders. We allowed this to happen through our own complacency. Now we are paying the price.

    I am ready to take the next step. You know what I mean. And before I get kicked off this website for violating the rules -- rules which so many other websites fail to follow because they are monitored by socialists and anarchists and pro-illegals -- I say it is time to get tough. It is time to stop wasting our money and time on trying to persuade the anti-American politicians (some of whom I regret to admit I helped elect) and it is nearing time to act. We must act.
    <div>Want some ICE with that cervesa?</div>

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Southern Mexifornia

    Re: New in the forum and my blood is boiling!

    Quote Originally Posted by legalgal
    The Hispanic goal is invasion because they feel our land is rightfully theirs.
    Welcome to the forum legalgal, we could use your help and your passion. That was a wonderful post you wrote, I like your avatar too
    Yes, the invasion is well underway. The Mexicans have been taught for years their land was stolen, it belongs to them. Even here this message is pounded into their naiive and impressionable ears. All of a sudden they've all discovered Aztec roots. What a crock.

    Years ago they did everything they could to distance themselves from any Indian heritage. Now they have also dropped the term "Hispanic" because it brings up the "Spanish" part of their heritage. But if you look at their leaders in Mexico---all light skinned /more white looking than not. But now they scream at us to "go back to Europe". Well we could say the same to them.

    Very few are mostly indigenous, and even then not likely Aztec, but it sounds cool so they are all claiming that now. Most are "mestizos", which was a perfectly acceptable term for years but has suddenly disappeared from use. Mestizos are mixed breed, part indigenous, part white. So , as far as I'm concerned, they are picking and choosing when it suits them.

    For arguments sake, let's say we draft a law where the only illegals granted amnesty must prove 60 percent white blood (don't beat me up on this, this is a hypothetical situation). I bet there would be a fast turnaround where everyone would , all of a sudden, discover their white European heritage. This is a mob of people who will do whatever it takes to stay here. In most part I don't blame them. They're here now, they don't want to leave. But as one person here noted, just because you want to stay here doesn't mean we have to let you.

    Unfortunately, we have made it remarkably easy for them. We reward them , we reward their "birthright citizen anchor babies" (older, but very good article here ..., Look for Case for Correction By Constitutional Amendment ). There's so much to do here, so much to learn, so much to share with your friends and neighbors.

    Your frustration and righteous anger is well founded. It is an unfair situation from all angles. One of my previous posts noted that the overseas press could help to publicize OUR cause if they heard from us.
    Maybe you can help in that aspect. Write to the German newspapers, tell them what is going on. Every country that holds this situation up to scrutiny and ridicule will keep the pressure going. I guarantee, most will be shocked with what Americans put up with. Of course many European countries are finding this out the hard way as well. Giving proof to one of our colloquialisms: "No good deed goes unpunished".
    “Homeland Security? What Homeland Security ?”

  7. #17
    KickEmOut's Avatar
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    You bet today's Mexicans aren't descended from native peoples. I worked with some men from Mexico years ago, but their surnames were not Hispanic. Their surnames, I would learn from a Peruvian man, were IRANIAN! We don't need to fight terrorism overseas, the damn terrorists are already among us.

    Do you think these "hard working," "family oriented," "only trying to improve their lots in life" people are just going about their jobs? Hell no!
    I just saw one, speaking his damn language, buying ammo in the store.
    Why? It's not deer season, duck season, dove season, squirrel season, turkey season. It's not wild game season of any type, it's gringo season!

    <div>Want some ICE with that cervesa?</div>

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Southern Mexifornia
    Quote Originally Posted by KickEmOut
    I just saw one, speaking his damn language, buying ammo in the store.
    Why? It's not deer season, duck season, dove season, squirrel season, turkey season. It's not wild game season of any type, it's gringo season!
    Settle down Kick, unlax a bit. Yes, things can seem tense, witness the horrible mob behavior at the rallies. But everyone's nerves are on edge. I will predict this---if and when any illegal mob (intentionally) hurts a counter protestor seriously, and that violence gets filmed and MAKES the news it will hurt their Reconquista cause enormously.

    Keep the cameras rolling, the tape recorders going, the phone numbers of various tv stations or talk shows on our person, let them know we aren't afraid of foreign bullies. Everyone knows if you face a bully they turn tail.

    We may feel angry, but that, in itself accoplishes nothing but to shorten our life span. Take that energy and make something constructive out of it. Even if you just call up a friend and vent. Strive for a controllable but righteous disapproval of the situation. Hysterics don't make for effective action. Ok, I'm off my soap box now.
    “Homeland Security? What Homeland Security ?”

  9. #19
    Mattiew's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    In repely to "My Blood Is Boiling)
    legalgal could not have stated it better. Hispanics are not willing to give up their culture to live in the United States and why should they when the government make its convenient for them to keep it.

    I agree they don't care about becoming part of our country, and their heart doesn't beat for the USA. They only care about incorporating the MEXICIAN culture into the US, and no one in WASHINGTON seems to get it.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    JustSayNo, the radical right wingers (in Germany those are Neo-Nazis) would love to poor allover that but I refuse to give them the time of the day for obvious reasons. Also, having Neo-Nazis comment on the Immigration Issue in the US would do more harm than good. Let me see what I can find. My German is still a lot better than my English - I'd love to vent in German!

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